UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology bonepit.com ACR MSK Index |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
A-mode ultrasonography (.12982) (3.)
Abdominal aortography (.1241)
Abdominal ectopic pregnancy (.8231)
Abdominal mass
in fetus of undetermined location, prenatal diagnosis (.879)
seen on plain ifim (.38)
of undetermined location, prenatal diagnosis (.879)
Abdominal para-aortic nodes (993.)
Abdominal viscus
unusual size or shape (.134)
Abdominal wall (796.)
arteries and veins (95.)
hernia of (.157)
Aberrant left pulmonary artery compressing right bronchus (.7523)
Aberrant thyroid (2.1475) (6.3151)
Aberrant tonsil (.1476)
autosomal (.184)
sex chromosomal (.185)
Abnormal alignment of spine (.86)
Abnormal biliary tract (.28)
Abnormal bone age (.55)
Abnormal dental age (.55)
Abnormal interorbital distance (.143)
Abnormal number (.141)
Abnormal position or rotation
Abnormality, developmental - see Developmental abnormality
Abortion complete (.8252) incomplete (.8253) missed (.8254)
Abrasion, teeth (.867)
Abruptio placenta (.8242)
Abscess (.242)
acute (.2161)
brain (.256)
Brodie (.213)
calcified psoas (.814)
chronic (.2162)
embolic (.2163)
intra-abdominal inflammatory mass (.21)
lymphatic system inflammation (.825)
mastoids (.263)
mediastinal (.272)
multiple (.2163)
periapical (.2731)
subacute (.2162)
subdural or epidural (.257)
tuberculosis (.231)
tubo-ovarian (.2174)
Absent coronary sinus (.1864)
Absent lung (.1412)
Absent pectoral muscle (.1495)
Absent pulmonary artery (.142)
Absent pulmonary valve, with tetralogy of Fallot (.1459)
Absent valve leaflet (.1752)
Absent ventricular septum (.1449)
Accessory (anomalous) muscle bundle (.1733)
Accessory commissures (.144)
Accessory ossicle (.131)
Accessory rib (.1442)
Acetabulum (442.)
Achalasia, esophageal (.745)
Achondrogenesis (.1511)
Achondroplasia (.1521)
Acid, esophageal stricture and (.744)
Acoustic (internal auditory) canal (125.)
Acoustic shadow (.816)
Acquired cystic disease with renal failure (.3118)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - see AIDS
Acro-osteolysis (.186)
phalangeal (.1862)
tarsal-carpal form (multicentric) (.1863),
Acrodysplasia (.1538)
Acromegaly (.51)
Acromesomelic dwarfism (.1529)
Acromioclavicular joint (413.)
Actinomyces (actinomycosis) (.2044)
Acute bronchiolitis (.2191)
Acute flexion fracture (.413)
Acute injury (.41)
Acute mastoiditis (.2601)
Acute pyelonephritis (.2121)
Adamantinoma (.3184)
Adamkiewicz artery (373.)
Addison disease (.545)
Adenocarcinoma (6.3212) (8.324)
with desmoplasia (.322)
papillary (intracystic) (.325)
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (.3112)
Adenoids (263.)
enlarged (.28)
hypoplasia (.881)
Adenoma (2.363) (7.3192) (8.317)
chromophobe (.371)
functioning pituitary (.372)
nonfunctioning pituitary (.371)
Adenomatoid malformation, prenatal
diagnosis (.8756)
Adenopathy (.221)
Adenosis (.722)
sclerosing (.815)
Adenotomous polyp (.3111)
causing deformity (.293)
pleural or pluropericardial (.767)
Adhesive capsulitis (.4814)
Adrenal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.8785)
Adrenal artery
inferior (965.)
middle (965.)
superior (953.)
Adrenal atrophy (.545)
Adrenal cortex (862.)
Adrenal disorder (.54) (1.)
Adrenal fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.878)
Adrenal hemorrhage (.546)
prenatal diagnosis (.8784)
Adrenal hyperplasia (.5412)
Adrenal imaging (.12175)
Adrenal medulla (861.)
Adrenal metastatic disease (.8319)
Adrenal neoplasm (.5411)
Adrenal tumor, prenatal diagnosis (.8784)
Adrenal veins (967.)
Adrenogenital syndrome (.543)
Adrenoleukodystrophy (.8733)
Adult respiratory distress syndrome (.413)
Advanced dental age, precocious dentition (.552)
Aerophagia (.781)
Aerosol, response to inhalation of (.53)
Afferent loop syndrome (.459)
Agammaglobulinemia (.2511)
Aganglionosis (Hirschsprung disease) (.145)
Age determination
bone (.127)
dental (.1275)
Agenesis (.141)
bilateral (.1412)
complete absence of bronchus and lung tissue (.1411)
multiple limb, prenatal diagnosis (.8732)
one limb, prenatal diagnosis (.8731)
renal, prenatal diagnosis (.8779)
unilateral or of an unpaired organ (.1411)
AIDS (.206) (6.2518) (8.2068)
infectious complications (.298)
neoplasm associated with (.329)
Ainhum (.869)
Air bronchogram (.911)
Air cells, mastoid (2142.)
opaque (.261)
Air contrast (.1297)
colon (.1282)
Air embolism (.739)
Air embolus (.779)
Albright-Butler syndrome (.5723)
Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (.534)
Alcohol effect (.864)
Aldosteronism (.544)
Alexander disease (.8737)
Alkali, esophageal stricture and (.744)
Alkaptonuria (.59)
Alkaptonuria (ochronosis) (.595)
Allergic alveolifis, extrinsic (.635)
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (.634)
Allergic granulomatous anglitis (.623)
Allergic parotitis (.2474)
Allergic pneumonia, bronchial asthma with (.7543)
Allergic state (.63)
milk (.639)
sinus (.258)
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (6.7511) (7.69)
Alumina fumes, response to inhalation of (.54)
Alveolar disease (.916)
Alveolar epithelial permeability study (.12177)
"Alveolar" sarcoid (.222)
Alzheimer disease (.83)
Amebiasis (.2071)
Amelia (.141)
Amelogenesis imperfecta (.159)
Amiodarone, complication of (.6462)
Amniography (.1283)
Amnionitis (.219)
Amniotic band (.1498)
Amniotic fluid (.782)
Amniotic sac (856.)
Ampulla of Vater (767.)
postoperative (.452)
self~amputation (.496)
traumatic (.4193)
Amyloid infiltrative disorder (.68)
Amyloidosis (.68)
Amyotonia congenita (.189), p.23
Anaerobic bacterium (.204) (4.2044)
Anaerobic streptococcus (.2042)
Anaplastic carcinoma (.3215)
Anasarca (.833)
aortic-coronary (.4552)
coronary-coronary (.4553)
internal (.453)
postoperative (.453)
Anastomotic arterial loop of the conus (376.)
Anatomical detail (.92)
Android pelvic contour (.8282)
acquired (secondary)
aplastic (primary or idiopathic) (.6581)
congenital (primary) (.653)
iron deficiency (.654)
pernicious (.655)
Anencephaly (.1411)
prenatal diagnosis (.8741)
Aneurysm (.73)
atherosclerotic (731)
calcification (.815)
complication of (.7193)
dissecting (.74) with intramural hematoma
mycotic (.733)
myocardial (.773)
ossification (.815)
plain film diagnosis (.73)
post-traumatic (.732)
resection of (.4541)
Sinus of Valsalva
communicating (.1772)
noncommunicating (.1771)
syphlitic (.734)
traumatic (.431)
ventricular septal (.1425)
Aneurysm clip (.457)
Aneurysmal bone cyst (.3183)
allergic granulo~natous (.623)
hypersensitivity (.624)
carbon dioxide (.1249)
selective (.1242)
venous (.1241)
Angiodysplasia (.7162)
Angiofibroma (.314)
Angiography (.124)
complication of (.44)
computed tomography (.12116)
magnetic resonance (.12142)
magnetic resonance (.12942)
manifestations of (.75)
radionuclide (.12971)
selective (.1242)
transthoracic (.l249)
bacillary (.298)
skeletal (.3143)
Angiomyolipoma (.3141)
balloon (.1266)
transluminal (.454)
Angiosarcoma (.324)
Angioscopy (.124)
Angular arteries (1746.)
Ankle (46.)
Ankle injury (.486)
Ankle joint (463.)
Ankylosed tooth (.1454)
Ankylosing spondylitis (.74) (5.848)
Ankylosing spondylitis (Marie-Strumpel disease) (.8226)
Ankylosis (.781) (3.79)
Annular pancreas (.1491)
aortic valve (535.)
calcified (.846)
dilated (.846) (.1756)
hypoplastic (.1722)
mitral valve (534.)
Anomalous aperture (.133)
Anomalous chordae tendinae (.1755)
Anomalous papillary muscle (.1755)
Anomalous pulmonary venous connection
partial (.158)
total (.157)
Anomalous venous drainage (.142)
Anomaly, congenital - see Congenital anomaly
Anonymous (atypical) mycobacterium (.2031)
Anorectal malformation (.1433)
Anoxia (.5911)
Anoxic encephalopathy (.591),
from drug overdose (.64)
Antegrade pyelography (.1229)
Anterior pararenal space (871.)
Anteversion (.1483)
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (amyotonia congenita) (.1893)
Anthropoid pelvic contour (.8283)
Antiarrhythmics, complication of (.646)
Antibiotics, complication of (.641)
Anticoagulant therapy, complication of (.659)
Anticoagulants (.1273)
Antihypertensive agent, complication of (.642)
Antimetabolite, complication of (.643)
Antrum, mastoid (2141.)
Anus (757.)
metastatic disease (.8321)
abdominal (89.),(981.)
ascending (941.)
coarctation (.1511)
descending (563.)
descending (943.)
left vertebral artery origin from (.1322)
tubular hypoplasia (.1512)
Aortic arch (562.) (942.)
atresia (.1515)
double (.1541)
interruption of (.1515)
left, with anomalous brachiocephalic vessel (.152)
right with anomalous brachiocephalic vessel (.153)
with left ductus (.1542)
Aortic arch arteriography (.1241)
Aortic-coronary anastomosis (.4552)
Aortic nodes, lateral (993.)
Aortic obstructive lesion (.151)
Aortic-pulmonic window (.1643)
Aortic valve, annulus (535.)
Aortico left ventricular tunnel (.176)
Aortography (.124)
Apicalectomy, dental root canal filling with (.4834)
Aplasia (.141) (9.8512)
of paranasal sinus (.132)
pulmonary, prenatal diagnosis (.8755)
Aplastic anemia (primary or idiopathic) (.6581)
Apnea, sleep (.827)
Apocrine metaplasia (.815)
Apophyseal joint
cervical spine (314.)
coccyx (334.)
lumbosacral spine (334.)
thoracic spine (324.)
left atrium (522.)
right atrium (521.)
Appendicitis (.291)
Appendicolith (.811)
Appendix (751.)
Aqueduct of Sylvius (163.)
Aqueduct stenosis (.1451)
Aqueous tissue (2242.)
Arachnoidal cyst (.3662)
Arachnoidal extension (.373)
Arachnoiditis (1.251) (3.27)
basilar, hydrocephalus communicating with (.1453)
complication of myelography (.446)
surface, hydrocephalus communicating with (.1454)
Arc of Buhler (.1351)
Arc of Burkow (.1353)
Arc of Riolan (.1352)
Architectural distortion (.4533)
Arcuate arteries (963.)
Areola (05.)
Arhinencephaly (.1412)
Arizona (.2029)
Arm (41.)
veins (916.)
Arnold-Chiari malformation (.1473)
prenatal diagnosis (.8747)
Arterial disease, primary (.72)
Arterial malformation (.141)
Arterial occlusion (.2582)
Arterial variant (.132)
Arteries of (see also specific type or location)
abdominal wall (95.)
diaphragm (95.)
foot (929.)
gastrointestinal system (95.)
genitourinary system (96.)
neck (90.)
pelvis (98.)
retroperitoneum (98.)
spine and spinal cord (37.)
thorax (56.) (94.)
upper limb (91.)
aortic arch (.1241)
brachial (A244)
bronchial (.1243)
catheter (.12402)
celiac (.1241)
common carotid (.1245)
coronary (.1244)
digital (.12403)
direct needle puncture (.1241)
external carotid (.1246)
hepatic (.1242)
inferior mesenteric (.1246)
internal carotid (.1247)
left gastric, inferior phrenic (.1243)
pulmonary (.1241)
splenic (.1244)
subclavian (.1242)
superior mesenteric (.1245)
vascular and lymphatic (.122)
vertebral (.1243)
Arterioradicularis medullara magna (.373)
Arteriovenous fistula (1.75) (6.1494) (7.49) (8.1494) (9.494)
associated with localized "gigantism" (.1444)
complication of angiography (.446)
congenital (.149) (.1494) (2.1495)
gastrointestinal bleeding (.717)
plain film findings (.1494)
post-traumatic (.49)
post-traumatic (.494)
postoperative (.494)
pulmonary (.1559)
surgical, for dialysis - access (.457)
Arteriovenous malformation (.75)
idiopathic, of childhood (.629)
Takayasu (.625)
vasculitis (.2581)
Arthritis (.7)
infectious (suppurative) (.26) (2.29)
psoriatic (9.8227)
rheumatoid (.71) (9.8225)
Arthro-ophthalmopathy, hereditary (Stickler) (.1539)
Arthrodesis (.451)
Arthrography (.122)
Arthrogryposis (amyotonia congenita) (.189)
Articular cartilage degeneration
hip (.4841)
knee (.4851)
Articular facets, asymmetrical (.139)
Articular soft tissue inflammation (.25)
Artifact (.93)
Artificial eye, postoperative trauma (.456)
Artificial heart (.4572)
Artificial sphincter (.459)
Aryepiglottic fold (.2712.)
Arytenoid fold (2712.)
with associated lung or pleural neoplasm (.774)
without associated lung or neoplasm (.773)
Ascaris lumbricoides (.2081)
Ascending colon (753.)
Ascites (.77)
prenatal diagnosis (.8722)
Aseptic necrosis (3.497) (4.44)
Aspartylglycosaminuria (.1825)
Aspergillosis (.2056)
allergic bronchopulmonary (.634)
Aspergillus fumigatus (.2056)
Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune) (.1512)
complication of (.458)
complication of surgery or interventional procedure (.458)
effect of (0.44)
postoperative complication of (.458)
surgical technique (.1262)
Aspiration pneumonia (.214)
Aspirin intoxication (.7534)
Asplenia (.1653)
Assimilation of atlas (atlanto-occipital) (.1472)
Associated mucoid impaction (.634)
Asthma, bronchial (.754)
grade 1 (.3631)
grade 2 (.3632)
grade 3 (.3633)
grade 4 (.3634)
Asymmetric removal of tissue (.4531)
Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (.1732)
Ataxia, Friedreich (.1965)
Ataxia telangiectasia (1.1839) (6.2515)
discoid (.746)
post-traumatic (.4126)
recurrent bronchial asthma with (.7545)
round (.749)
Ateleosteogenesis (.1519)
Atherectomy device (.1267)
use of (.1283)
Atherosclerosis (.75)
cardiac effect of (.77)
Atherosclerotic aneurysm (.731)
Atherosclerotic ectasia, generalized (.735)
Atherosclerotic plaque (.754)
Atherosclerotic stenosis (.721)
occlusion (.7214)
Atlanto-occipital fusion (.1472)
Atlantoaxial dislocation
congenital (.1478)
Atlantoaxial fusion (.1477)
Atlantoaxial subluxation
congenital (.1478)
Atlas, assimilation of (atlanto-occipital) (.1472)
Atresia (2.1493) (7.143) (8.1453)
congenital bronchial atresia (.1412)
esophageal, prenatal diagnosis (.8762),
interruption of aortic arch (.1515)
postinflammatory (.297)
pulmonary with corrected transposition of great arteries (.163)
(pseudotruncus), with tetralogy of Fallot (.1453)
valvular (.171)
Atrial septal defect (.141)
catheter closure of (.1268)
Atrial septostomy, balloon (.1268)
Atrial septum (514.)
Atrioventricular canal
complete (.1433)
intermediate (.1434)
partial (.1431)
Atrioventricular valve anomaly, with complete transposition of great arteries (.1615)
common, with common atrium (.1432),
straddling (.1445)
common, with common atrioventricular valve (.1432)
of lateral ventricle (1614.)
left, and appendage (521.)
right, and appendage (522.)
right, coronary artery fistula communicating with (.1841)
Atrophic pyelonephritis (.2123)
Atrophy (1.83) (1.142)
adrenal (.545)
disuse (.564)
soft tissue (.436)
Sudeck (.499)
Attic (2122.)
Atypical axial osteomalacia (.5729)
Atypical measles infection (.2063)
Auditory canal
external (2112.)
internal (2134.)
Austin type sulfatidosis (.1829)
Autonephrectomy (.234)
Autosomal aberration (.184)
Autosomal dominant osteosclerosis (.1559)
Avulsion fracture (.4191)
Axilla (07.)
Axillary adenopathy (.833)
Axillary artery (911.)
Axillary dissection (.833)
Axillary nodes (997.)
filling from pedal lymphangiography (.812)
Axillary vein (915.)
Azotemia (.7111)
prerenal (.653)
Azygography (.1249)
Azygos continuation of inferior vena cava (.1594)
Azygos lobe (.131)
Azygos vein (567.) (947.)
B scan ultrasonography (.12983)
Bacillary angiomatosis (.298)
Bacillus anthracis (.2019)
Bacillus pertussis (.2026)
Back pressure atrophy (.849)
anaerobic (.204)
anaerobic (.2044)
gram-negative (.202)
gram-positive facultative (.201)
mycobacterium (.203)
Bacteroides (.2041)
Bagassosis (.552)
Baker cyst (.783)
Balloon angioplasty (.1266)
Balloon atrial septostomy (.1268)
Balloon catheter (angioplasty) (.1282)
Balloon valvuloplasty (.1268)
Bar formation (.1439)
Barium aspiration (.4619)
Basal cell nevus syndrome (2.161) (4.1671)
dystosis involving many systems (2.1671)
Basal ganglia (142.)
Basal vein of Rosenthal (1764.)
Basilar artery (1753.)
Basilar impression (invagination) (.1475)
Batten-Mayou disease (.8739)
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (.1719)
Bedsoniae group (.2067)
Behcet disease (.629)
Beriberi (.864)
Berylliosis (.777)
Beta-glucuronidase deficiency (MPS VII) (.1819)
Bezoar (.462)
Bicornuate uterus (.14783)
Bicuspid or other valve leaflet deformity (.1721)
Bicuspid valve leaflet, valvular incompetence, prolapse (.1752)
Bifid apex (.1929)
Bile ducts, extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.365),
Biliary atresia (4.5721) (7.1434)
Biliary cirrhosis, primary (.288)
Biliary extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (.1223)
Biliary system (.122)
Biliary tract, abnormal (.28)
Biomagnetism study (.1299),
arteriovenous fistula following (.494)
cause of skin thickening (.839)
complication of (.458)
effect of (.453)
needle (.459)
postoperative complication of (.458)
surgical procedure (.1261)
Biopsy or interventional procedure (.126)
Bipartite patella (.131)
Bird-headed dwarfism (1.172) (4.1729)
Bird sensitivity (.635)
Birth injury (.829)
Bladder (83.)
abnormality (.83)
prenatal diagnosis (.8783)
exstrophy of (.1464)
metastatic disease (.8315)
pseudoneurogenic (.8319)
reflux from (.85)
septate (.1413)
trabeculation (.833)
transient extraperitoneal hernia of (.136)
urachal extension of (.1462)
wall thickening (.836)
"Bladder ear" (.136)
Bladder neck obstruction or dilatation (.846)
Bladder-sphincter dyssynergia (.839)
Blastomyces dermatitidis (.2051)
Blastomycosis (.8234)
North American (.2051)
South American (.2059)
Bleb (.3122)
Bleeding, gastrointestinal (.7)
Bleomycin, complication of (.6433)
Blighted ovum (.8251)
Blood (57.)
Blood-brain barrier study (.12174)
Blood clot (.414)
Blood fluke (.2084)
Blood pool imaging
gated cardiac (.12174)
nuclear medicine study (.12164)
nuclear medicine study (9.12964)
Blood protozoa (.2073)
Blood vessel, calcified (.812)
Bloom syndrome (.1729)
Blount disease (.1481)
Blow-in facture (.414)
Blowout facture (.414)
Boerhaave syndrome (.713)
Bolus, computed tomography enhancement (.12112)
bone reaction secondary to soft tissue infection (.218)
erosion of adjacent (.915)
in preexisting benign disorder (.35)
traumatic bone cyst (.43)
Bone age determination (.127)
Bone cyst
aneurysmal (.3183)
epidermoid inclusion (.435)
solitary (.3181)
traumatic (1.422) (4.439)
Bone flap (.453)
Bone graft (donor) site (.456)
Bone infarction
arising in preexisting benign disorder (.44)
neoplasm arising in (.356)
neoplasm in preexisting benign disorder (.356)
post-traumatic necrosis (.441)
Bone island (.1334)
Bone length, increased (.439)
Bone marrow scintigraphy (.12174)
Bone mineral analysis (.1295)
Bone mineral measurement (.12171)
Bone neoplasm
arising in preexisting benign disorder (.351)
arising in preexisting benign disorder (enchondroma, osteochondroma) (.351)
arising in preexisting benign tumor (.35)
benign (.31)
malignant, primary (.32)
malignant, secondary (metastatic) (.33)
Bone reaction secondary to soft tissue infection (.218)
Bone scintography (.12172)
Bony petrous pyramid (2136.)
Bony spur (.1329)
segmental dilatation (.1499)
unusual course of (.134)
Bowel lumen, calcification, calculus in (.819)
Bowel wall, calcification, calculus in (.819)
congenital (.145) (.1624)
physiological (.135)
traumatic (.4199)
Brachial arteriography (.1244)
Brachial artery (912.)
Brachiocephalic artery (common origin of innominate and left common carotid arteries) (.1321)
Brachiocephalic vessel (anomalous), with left aortic arch (.152)
Brachycephaly (.1312)
Brachydactyly (.142)
Brachyrachia (.1652)
blood-brain barrier study (.12174)
hematoma (.434)
herniated (.4212)
laceration (.439)
midline of (ultrasonography) (147.)
tissue resection (.456)
Brain and meninges
intratentorial (15.)
supratentorial (13.)
Brain death (.761)
Brain metabolism imaging, regional (.12172)
Brain perfusion imaging, regional (.12172)
Branchial cleft anomaly (.147)
Branchial cleft cyst (.1471)
Branchial cleft fistula (A472)
Branchial cleft sinus (.1472)
cutaneous lesion of (.73)
internal mammary area (09.)
lactating (.54)
lower inner quadrant (04.)
lower outer quadrant (02.)
metastatic disease (.8331)
nipple (05.)
skin (06.)
supraclavicular area (09.)
upper inner quadrant (03.)
upper outer quadrant (01.)
Breech presentation (.8223)
Brodie abscess (cystic osteomyelitis) (.213),
Bronchi (671.)
Bronchial arteries (563.) (943.)
Bronchial arteriography (.1243)
Bronchial cyst, congenital (.1441)
Bronchial mucocele (.265)
Bronchial neoplasms (.311)
Bronchial remnant (.1412)
Bronchial supply to lungs (.1556)
Bronchiectasis (.26) (.742)
tuberculosis associated with (.2374)
Bronchiolectasis (.264)
Bronchiolitis, acute (.2191)
Bronchitis, chronic (.755)
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma (.3216)
Bronchocele (.265)
Bronchocentric granulomatosis (.636)
Bronchogenic cyst (.1441)
Bronchography (.122)
Broncholith (.811)
Bronchomalacia (.1493)
Bronchomegaly (A492)
Bronchopneumonia (.212)
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (.783)
Bronchopulmonary foregut malformation (.144)
Bronchopulmonary sequestration (6.145) (9.15)
fracture of (.4124)
metastasis to (.339)
Brow presentation (.8222)
Brown tumor
primary hyperparathyroidism (.5312)
secondary hyperparathyroidism (.5323)
Brucella (.2029)
Brucellosis (.8233)
"Bubble lung" (.784)
BuddChiari syndrome (.659)
Buerger disease (.725)
Bulbous urethra (843.)
Bulboventricular loop and transposition, anomaly of (.168)
Bullae (.226) (.756) (.3122)
Bullous edema (.837)
Burkitt lymphoma (.3435) (9.8347)
Burr hole (.454)
Bursitis (.251)
Busulfan, complication of (.6432)
Butterfly cleft of vertebral body (.1451)
Bypass graft (.457)
saphenous vein (.4521)
synthetic graft (.4522)
Byssinosis (.552)
Caffey's disease Infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey) (.695)
Calcaneovalgus (.1477)
Calcaneovarus (.1477)
Calcaneus (4642.)
Calcar avis, prominent (.1352)
Calcific aortic stenosis (.833)
Calcific bursitis (.251)
Calcification (.81)
as effect of biopsy (.4535)
in infection (.815)
inflammatory or granulomatous (.814)
intra-abdominal (.81)
leiomyoma (fibroid) with (.3151)
metastatic (.511)
in neoplasm (.814)
physiological (1.134) (1.912)
placental (.8243)
sacrotuberous ligament (.811)
of tracheal cartilage, unusual (.135)
of unknown etiology (.817)
vascular, intraperitoneal (.813)
vascular (.815)
Calcified articular cartilage (.814)
Calcified blood vessel (.812)
Calcified ductus (.1469)
Calcified gallbladder wall (.286)
Calcified hematoma (.811)
Calcified ligamentum arteriosum (.1469)
Calcified lymph node (.816)
Calcified neoplasm (.816)
Calcified psoas abscess (.814)
Calcified tendinitis (.253)
Calcinosis (.813)
tumoral (.818)
Calcium gluconate, extravasation of (.819)
Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (pseudogout) (.761)
Calculous pyelonephritis (.2124)
Calculus (2.818) (8.53) (8.81)
intra-abdominal (.81)
opaque or nonopaque (.811)
Calf deep venous system (935.)
superficial venous system (936.)
Callosal marginal artery (1734.)
Calvaria (11.)
unusually thick (.1332)
unusually thin (.1325)
Calyceal diverticulum (.3115)
Calyceal obstruction or dilatation (.841)
Calyceal system, abscess or carbuncle communicating with (.2112)
Calyx (812.)
Camptodactyly (.1487)
Camptomelic syndrome (.1624)
Canavan disease (.8734)
Candida group (.2057)
Candidiasis (.2057)
Capitate bone (4336.)
Caplan syndrome (.6114)
Capsular dislocation
anterior (.4811)
posterior (.4811)
Capsular injury (.48)
Capsule, internal (142.)
Capsule (815.)
Carbon monoxide encephalopathy (.5912)
Carbon tetracliloride nephropathy (.584)
Carbuncle (.211)
Carcinoid neoplasm (.316)
bleeding (.7151)
Carcinoid syndrome (5.834) (5.847) (6.3117)
Carcinoid tumor (.3111)
Carcinoma (.321)
appearance (.322)
gastrointestinal bleeding (.7152)
intrasellar neoplasm, neoplastic-like condition (.379)
lobular, in situ (.321)
lobular, invasive (.327)
of male breast (.329)
multiple (.382)
primary (.373)
renal cell (.324)
secondary effects (.323)
in situ (.813)
solitary (.381)
squamous cell (8.322) (9.8333)
transitional cell (.321)
tuberculosis associated with (.2372)
tubular (.329)
type (.321)
Carcinosarcoma (.3217)
Cardiac catheterization (.122)
Cardiac chamber (52.)
anomaly (.192)
enlargement (.872)
left atrium and appendage (522.)
left ventricle (523.)
right atrium and appendage (521.)
right ventricle (524.)
Cardiac configuration, size, abnormal (.87)
Cardiac electrode, encasement of (.436)
Cardiac failure (.7)
hypoproteinemia and (.763)
Cardiac pulsations, abnormal (.882)
Cardiac shunt quantification (.12179)
Cardiac transplantation (.459)
Cardiac valve (53.)
Cardiac veins (547.)
Cardiomegaly, nonspecific (.871)
Cardiomelic syndrome (4.1641) (5.1961)
Cardiomyopathy, in infant of diabetic mother (.1934)
Cardiospasm (.745)
Cardiovascular structure, extrinsic mass affecting (.36)
Caries (.271)
Caroli's disease (.288)
Caroticobasilar anastomosis (.1363)
Carotid arteriography
common (.1245)
external (.1246)
internal (.1247)
Carotid artery
bifurcation (1721.)
cervical portion (904.)
thoracic portion (562.) (942.)
external (171.) (905.)
bifurcation (1727.)
cavernous portion (1723.)
cervical portion (1722.)
petrosal portion (1723.)
precavennus portion (1723.)
supraclinoid portion (.1727.)
tracheal compression by (.1549)
Carpal bone (433.)
calcified articular (.814)
dysplasia of (.154)
Cartilage injury (48.)
Cascade or other variation of stomach (.132)
Cast syndrome (.729)
Castleman disease (.391)
Cat-cry (cri-du-chat) (.1849)
Cathartic colon (.793)
Catheter - see also Catheter or other tube atrial septal defect (.1268)
broken or knotted (.447)
cardiac (.122)
closure of patent ductus arteriosus (.1268)
Dotter technique (.1281)
Catheter ablation of accessory electrical pathways (.1269)
Catheter aortography (.1211)
Catheter arteriography (1.12402) (9.122)
Catheter drainage, biopsy (.1263)
Catheter or other tube (.4611)
complication of (6.458)
complication of (.4617)
in satisfactory position (.4612)
in unsatisfactory position (.4613)
Catheterization, complication of (.44)
Cauda equina (364.)
Caudal regression syndrome (.141)
Cavernous transformation (.752)
Cavernous urethra (843.)
Cavitated neoplasm (.334)
Cavitated nodule (.6112)
Cavum velum interpositi (.1357)
Cavum vergae (.1356)
Cecum (752.)
Celiac arteriography (.1241)
Celiac artery (951.)
Celiac disease (.7611)
Cellulitis (0.211)
Cellulitis (.241)
Celomic cyst (.3152)
Cemental caries (.2714)
Cementoblastoma (.382)
Cementoma (.382)
Central pontine myelinosis (.8722)
Central venous catheter (.4611)
Cephalhematoma (.495)
Cephalocele (.146)
Cephalopelvic disproportion (.821)
Cerebellar artery
anterior inferior, pontine branches (1754.)
posterior inferior (1752.)
superior (1755.)
Cerebellar degenerative disease, alcoholic (.882)
Cerebellar sarcoma (.3637)
Cerebellopontine angle (154.)
Cerebellum (153.)
Cerebral artery
anterior (173.)
middle (174.)
posterior (1756.)
Cerebral blood flow, slow or absent (.761)
Cerebral edema
diffuse (.862)
focal (.861)
intracranial effect of trauma (.436)
Cerebral gigantism (.1712)
Cerebral palsy (.829)
Cerebral peduncle (146.)
Cerebral vein, internal (1762.)
Cerebritis (.255)
Cerebrospinal fluid (167.)
Cerebrospinal fluid shunt (.451)
Cerebrospinal otorrhea (.423)
Cerebrospinal rhinorrhea (.423)
Cervical arch
left aortic (.1523)
right aortic (.1534)
Cervical ectopic pregnancy (.8234)
Cervical nodes (997.)
filling from pedal lymphangiography (.812)
Cervical rib (.132)
Cervical spinal canal (34.)
Cervical spine (31.)
incompetent (.14785)
metastatic disease (.8311)
Chalasia (.151)
Chance fracture (.419)
Chediak-Steinbrinck-Higashi syndrome (.2519)
Chemodectoma (1.3642) (6.3163)
Chemotherapeutic infusion, biopsy (.1265)
Chemotherapy, hypoplasia of adenoids with (.8812)
Cherubism (.1525)
Chest wall (47.)
vessels (949.)
Chiasmatic groove (123.)
Chicken pox (4.2064) (6.2064)
Child abuse (battered child) (.4195)
skull fracture (.419)
spine fracture
Chin presentation (.8222)
Chip fracture (.4191)
Chiamydia (.209)
Chlorine gas, response to inhalation of (.523)
Chloroma (.341)
Choana (261.)
Choanal atresia (.1493)
Choanal stenosis (.1492)
operative (.1224)
percutaneous (.1226)
postoperative (.1225)
transduodenal (.1227)
Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde (.1222)
acute (.285)
emphysematous (.284)
Cholecystography, oral (.1221)
Choledochal cyst (.1492)
prenatal diagnosis (.8765)
Cholesteatoma (1.3622) (2.264)
Cholesterol, lipid pneumonia (.253)
Cholesterol embolus
complication of catheterization or angiography (.443)
multiple (.773)
Cholesterol pericarditis (.59)
Chondroblastoma (.3111)
Chondrocalcinosis (.76)
Chondrodysplasia punctata (stippled epiphysis) (.1522)
Chondroectodermal dysplasia (.1962)
Chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld) (.1523)
Chondroma (.319)
juxtacortical (.3115)
Chondromyxoid fibroma (.3112)
Chondrosarcoma (.321) (1.3211)
mesenchymal (.3212)
soft tissue origin (.321) (.375)
Chordae tendineae (513.)
anomalous (.1755)
rupture (.843)
tear (.41)
Chordoma (.327)
Choriocarcinoma (.31534)
chorioepithelioma (.329)
Chorioepithelioma (.329)
Choroid, calcification of (.1341)
Choroid glomus (1617.)
Choroid plexus (1617.)
papilloma (.3639)
Choroidal artery, anterior (1726.)
Chromaffinoma (.3163)
Chromosomal aberration, sex (.185)
Chromosomal disorder (.195)
Chronic aspiration from esophageal dysfunction (.259)
Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood (.2516)
(Landing-Shirkey syndrome) (.296)
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (.729)
Chronic mastoiditis (.2603)
Chronic pyelonephritis (4.5722) (8.2122)
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (.219)
Chronic renal failure, breast edema and (.832)
Chronic (unresolved) pneumonia (.2182)
Churg-Strauss syndrome (.623)
Chylothorax (6.769) (9.87)
Chylous ascites (.87)
Cine, video study (.1296) (1.125)
Cineradiographic observation (.88)
Cineradiography (.127)
Cingulate gyrus (135.)
Circulatory assistance device, postoperative trauma from (.457)
Circulatory disorder (plain film and urographic manifestations) (.72)
Circulatory overload (.7113)
Circumflex artery (543.)
Cirrhosis (.79)
with diffuse fatty infiltration (.7941)
with focal fatty infiltration (.7942)
primary biliary (.288)
infratentorial (166.)
supratentorial (165.)
Cisterna chyli (995.)
Cisternography (.12175)
positive contrast (.1225)
Citrobacter (.2029)
Clavicle (411.)
Cleft anomaly, branchial (.147)
Cleft face, median (.1485)
Cleft lip (.1481)
bilateral (.1484)
unilateral (.1483)
Cleft palate (.1482)
bilateral (.1484)
unilateral (.1483)
Cleft valve leaflet (.1739) (.1752)
Cleft vertebral body (.1451)
Cleidocranial dysplasia (.1524)
Clinodactyly (.1486)
Clinoid process (122.)
Clivus (122.)
Cloaca, exstrophy of (.1465)
Clonorchis sinensis (.2085)
Closed needle biopsy, lung (.1261)
Clostridia (.2043)
Clostridia botulinum (.2043)
Clostridia perfringens (.2043)
Clostridia tetani (.2043)
"Clover leaf skull" (.1435)
Clubfoot (.1475)
Coagulation, disseminated intravascular (.658)
of abdominal aorta (.141)
of aorta (.1511)
multiple (.1514)
unusual site of (.1514)
of ventricle (.1358)
Coccidioides immitis (coccidloidomycosis) (.2052)
Coccidioidomycosis (.2052)
Coccyx (33.)
Cochlea (2133.)
Cochlear otosclerosis (.872)
Cockayne syndrome (.1729)
Coffin-Lowery syndrome (.1729)
Cold laser (.1285)
Colitis (.26)
granulomatous (.7142)
ischemic, with bleeding (.7145)
ischemic (.761)
ulcerative (.7143)
Colitis cystica profunda (.269)
Collagen disorder (.819)
associated with pneumonia, asthma (.747)
bronchial tuberculosis (.233)
pulmonary (.74)
Collateral eminence, prominent (.1351)
Collateral ligament (4527.)
Colloid cyst (.3612)
Colloid (mucinous) malignant neoplasm (.328)
Colloid nodule (.367)
Colon (75.)
cathartic (.793)
functional colon disease (.792)
metastatic disease (.8322)
Colon conduit anastomosis (.453)
Colon diverticulum (.272)
Colonorchis sinensis (.2085)
Color Doppler ultrasonography (.12983)
Column of Bertin, congenital pseudotumor (.1492)
Columnar lined esophagus (.291)
Combined collagen disease (.616)
Comedocarcinoma (.3241)
Comminuted fracture (.413)
Communicating artery
anterior (1731.)
posterior (1725.)
Communicating bursa (.4843)
Compensatory hypertrophy, renal (.892)
Complication of angiography (.44)
Complication of aspiration (.458)
Complication of biopsy (.458)
Complication of catheterization (.44)
Complication of interventional procedure (.458)
Complication of surgery (.458)
Compression of vessel, extrinsic (.78)
Computed tomography (.1211)
Condensing enostosis (.873)
Condensing osteitis (.873)
sinus (.257)
Conduction disturbance, congenital (.1938)
Congenital anemia (primary) (.653)
Congenital aneurysm (.736)
Congenital anomaly (.14)
of lymphatic system (.81)
Congenital arteriovenous fistula (2.1495) (3.149) (4.1494) (7.1494)
Congenital bowing (.145)
Congenital cortical cysts (.3126)
Congenital cystic disease (.312)
Congenital diaphragrn (.1439)
Congenital dislocation (2.1494) (4.146)
Congenital esophageal abnormality (.142)
Congenital heart disease
catheter closure after correction (.1268)
prenatal diagnosis (.8751)
Congenital hyperparathyroidism (.539)
Congenital hyperuricemia (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) (.599)
Congenital indifference to pain (.821)
Congenital lymphedema (.1449)
Congenital (primary) anemia (.653)
Congenital pseudarthrosis (.1492)
Congenital pseudotumor, prominent column of Bertin (.1492)
Congestive heart failure (.71)
breast edema and (.832)
Conjoint twins, prenatal diagnosis (.879)
Connective tissue disorder (.61)
congenital (.197)
neurocutaneous disorders, congenital (.197)
systemic (.61)
valvular incompetence (.842)
Constipation (.791)
Constitutional disorder (.18)
Constriction, effect of radiation (.473)
Contracted pelvic contour (.8285)
Contractural arachnodactyly (.1719)
Contracture (.789)
of soft tissue (.436)
Contrast enhanced studies, magnetic resonance (.12143)
Contrast material, layering of (.91)
Contrast medium adverse reaction to (.448)
extravasation of (7.719) (8.412)
perivascular or other accidental injection of (.99)
Contusion (0.433) (1.4351) (8.411)
cardiac (.41)
intramedullary (.3674)
pulmonary (.4122)
Conus, anastomotic arterial loop (376.)
Conus medullaris (361.)
Conventional tomography (.1218)
Copper deficiency (.579)
Cor pulmonale (.78)
Cor triatriatum (.1561)
Cord atrophy (.498)
Cornea (2241.)
Cornelia de Lange syndrome (.1723)
Comual ectopic pregnancy (.8233)
Coronal cleft of vertebral body (.1451)
Coronary arteriography (.1244)
Coronary artery
dominant left (1312.)
dominant right (1311.)
fistula (.184)
left (542.)
right (541.)
single (.183)
surgery (.455)
Coronary atherosclerosis (.76)
Coronary-coronary anastomosis (.4553)
Coronary sinus (547.)
absent (.1864)
anomaly (.186)
Coronary system, balanced (.1313)
Coronary vessels (54.)
anomalous origin major (.182)
minor (.181)
anomaly (.18)
anterior descending artery (544.)
diagonal artery (546.)
obtuse marginal artery (545.)
Corpus callosum (135.)
agenesis of (.1413)
striations (.1353)
Corpus cavernosography (.1288)
Corpus luteum cyst (.3117)
Corpus uteri, metastatic disease (.8312)
Corrosives, esophageal stricture and (.744)
Cortical cysts (.3126)
Cortical fracture (.4192)
Cortical line, double (.139)
Cortical necrosis (.654)
Cortical perfusion, diffuse decrease in (.764)
Cortical thickness study (.123)
Corynebacterium diphtheriae (.2019)
Costocervical trunk (903.)
Costovertebral joint, thoracic spine (324.)
Cranial nerve
III, IV (146.)
V, VII, VIII (154.)
VI, VII (151.)
IX, X, XI, XII (152.)
Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia (.1555)
Cranioectodermal dysplasia (.1539)
Craniometaphyseal dysplasia (.1556)
Craniopharyngioma (.3611)
Craniosynostosis (.143)
Craniovertebral anomaly (.147)
Cranium bifidum occultum (.1332)
Cretinism (.521)
Cri-du-chat syndrome (.1849)
Cribriform plate (121.)
Crista galli (121.)
Crohn disease (7.262) (9.8235)
arthritis with (.79)
Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (.3114)
Crossed renal ectopia (.1422)
Croup (.243)
Crown resorption (.8629)
Cruciate ligament (4526.)
Cryptococcus neofonmans (.2054)
Cryptococcus (torulopsis) (.2054)
Cryptorchidism (.1477)
Cryptospotidiosis (.2072)
CSF shunt study (.12176)
Cuboid (4644.)
Cuneiform (4645.)
Cushing syndrome (1.54) (6.3117)
endogenous (.541)
exogenous (.542)
Cuspids, impacted (.1452)
Cutaneous hemangioma, associated with vertebral anomaly (.1455)
Cutaneous lesion of breast (.73)
Cutaneous stoma, postoperative (.454)
Cutis laxa (.615)
Cyclophosphamide, complication of (.6434)
Cyclophosphamide cystitis (.64)
Cylindroma (.3112)
Cyst (1.146) (3.3611) (8.311)
bronchial, congenital (.1441)
bronchogenic (.1441)
calcification in (.816)
celomic (.3152)
choledochal, prenatal diagnosis (.8765)
cortical (.3126)
Dandy Walker, prenatal diagnosis (.87443)
duplication, prenatal diagnosis (.8765)
enteric (.1442)
gastroenteric (.1442)
with hemorrhage (.31171)
meconium, prenatal diagnosis (.8764)
mediastinal bronchogenic (.3156)
mesenteric (.3121)
Mullerian duct (.1493)
multilocular (.3113)
neurenteric (.1443)
omental (.3121)
pericardial (.1942)
placental (.8243)
prenatal diagnosis (.8765)
simple, multiple (.3112)
simple, solitary (.3111)
thymic (.3154)
traumatic lung (.4124)
Cyst puncture, biopsy technique (.1262)
Cyst wall calcification (.8113)
Cystadenocarcinoma (.322)
Cystadenoma (7.3122) (8.317)
Cystic disease (4.5722)
acquired (.3118)
brain (.1424)
congenital (6.3121)
medullary (.3125)
segmental (.3127)
Cystic duct (763.)
Cystic dysplasia
familial bilateral (.3122)
multilocular (.3129)
Cystic fibrosis (6.252) (7.1496)
Cystic hygroma (2.362) (.3157)
prenatal diagnosis (.8724)
Cystic neoplasm of pancreas (.3124)
Cystic osteomyelitis (.213)
Cysticercosis (.2083)
Cystinosis (.5723)
Cystitis (.214)
cyclophosphamide (.64)
Cystitis cystica (.215)
Cystocele (.832)
Cystography (.1231)
air (.1237)
double contrast (.1237)
radionuclide (.12177)
with voiding urethrography, female (1233.)
with voiding urethrography, male (1232.)
Cystosarcoma phylloides (.3112)
Cystostomy, cutaneous stoma (.454)
Cystouretlirography (.1236)
Cytomegalic inclusion disease (.2066)
Cytomegalovirus (.2066)
d-loop, and normally related great arteries (.1681)
d-loop and d-transposition
anomaly of (.1682)
complete (.161)
Dacrocystography (1.12177) (2.1295)
radionuclide (.12179)
Dandy-Walker cyst (.1452)
prenatal diagnosis (.87443)
Decompression procedure (.455)
Decortication (.459)
Deep caries (.2713)
Defecography (.1288)
Degenerative disk disorder (.78)
Degenerative joint disorder (.77)
Delayed dentition (.551)
Delayed union of fracture or dislocation (.432)
Dementia, multi-infarct (.837)
Demyelinating disease
primary (.871)
secondary (.872)
Dens (311.)
absent (.141)
Dens in dente (.1462)
Density variant (.133)
Dental abnormality (.86)
Dental age
abnormal (.55)
determination (.1275)
Dental anomaly - see also Cleft anomaly
miscellaneous (.146)
Dental calculus (.818)
Dental filling
abnormality (.482)
material imbedded in jaw (.485)
satisfactory (.481)
Dental film (.127)
Dental infection (.27)
Dental normal variant (.134)
Dental pulp cap (.484)
Dental root canal filling (.483)
Dentigerous (follicular) cyst (.3811)
Dentinoenamel junction caries (.2712)
Dentogenesis imperfecta (.1551)
Depressed fracture (.412)
Dermal sinus
congenital or developmental (.146)
neoplasm (.319)
Dermatomyositis (.614)
Dermoid cyst (1.3622) (3.362) (4.366) (8.313)
Denmoid tumor (.366)
Descending colon (755.)
Desmoid, parosteal (periosteal) (.434)
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (.793)
Developmental abnorrnality (.14)
of lymphatic system (.81)
Developmental deformity (.148)
primary (.166)
secondary (.166)
Diabetes (.822) (4.821)
small bowel functional change due to (.769)
tuberculosis associated with (.2375)
vascular manifestation of (.724)
Dialysis, complication of (.42)
Diamond-Blackfun syndrome (.653)
Diaphanography (.1291)
absent (.154)
arteries and veins (95.)
congenital (.1439)
inferior surface (795.)
paralysis of (.155)
superior surface of (66.)
Diaphragma sella (139.)
Diaphragmatic abnorrnality, abnormal cardiac configuration, size related to (.876)
Diapliragmatic hernia, prenatal diagnosis (.8754)
Diaphragmatic vessels (949.)
Diaphyseal dysplasia (.1555)
Diastatic fracture (.413)
Diastematomyelia (.1454)
Diastrophic dwarfism (.1525)
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) (.777)
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (Forrestier disease) (.777)
Diffuse infection (.241)
Diffuse lymphoma (.3433)
Diffusion studies
magnetic resonance (.12144)
magnetic resonance (.12944)
DiGeorge syndrome (5.1966) (6.2514)
Digital angiography (.124)
Digital arteriography (.12403)
Digital markings, increased (.911)
Digital radiography (.1215)
Digitalis, and gastrointestinal ischemia (.761)
Dilantin, complication of (.645)
Dilatation, urinary tract (.84)
secondary to infection, reflux (.848)
Dilated annulus (.1756)
Dilated pancreatic duct (.921)
Dimple, associated with vertebral anomaly (.1455)
Direct needle puncture (.123)
Disaccharidase deficiency (.7623)
Discoid meniscus (.1495)
Discordant loop and transposition (.1689)
DISH - see Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
Disk, intervertebral - see Intervertebral disk
Disk surgery (.453)
Diskitis (.25) (.445)
Diskography (.123)
Dislocation (.42)
atlantoaxial, congenital (.1478)
complication of (.43)
congenital (2.1494) (4.146)
multiple congenital (Larsen syndrome) (.1626)
Dissecting aneurysm (.74)
vascular (.4314)
vascular trauma (.482)
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (.658)
Disuse atrophy (.564)
Diverticulitis (.273)
Diverticulosis (.275)
tracheal (.1492)
Diverticulum (7.27) (8.1491)
acquired (.1491)
calyceal (.3115)
Meckel, bleeding (.7181)
pericardial (.1942)
Dolichocephaly (.1311)
Dome of bladder (831.)
Doppler ultrasonography (.12984)
Dorsal branch (962.)
Dorsal cyst (.1469)
Dorsum sellae (122.)
Dotter technique (catheter) (.1281)
Double inlet
left ventricle (.1445)
right ventricle (.1449)
Double outlet
left ventricle (.169)
right ventricle (.162)
Down syndrome (.184)
Dracunculus medinensis (.2082)
Drip infusion pyelography (.1223)
Drowning, near (.7115)
Drug abuse (.626)
vasculitis manifestation (.626)
vasculitis of (.626)
Drug induced myelosuppression (.6582)
Drug overdose, anoxic encephalopathy from (.64)
Drug therapy, complication of (.64)
Drug use, complication of (.64)
hepatic (765.)
Duct dilatation, biliary system (.1228)
Duct disease (.71)
Duct injection (.127)
Ducbl calcification (secretory disease) (.816)
Ductal ectasia (.711)
Ductectatic pancreatic neoplasm (.3125)
Ductus arteriosis, patent (.146)
Ductus diverticulum (.1469)
Ductus sling (.1465)
Duodenal diverticulum (.272)
Duodenitis (.291)
Duodenography, hypotonic (.1234)
Duodenojejunal junction (735.)
Duodenum (73.)
Duplication (.144)
bilateral (.1414)
of cysts, prenatal diagnosis (.8765)
neurenteric or enteric cyst (.141)
renal/ureteral, prenatal diagnosis (.8771)
unilateral or of an unpaired organ (.1413)
of uterus (.14782)
vascular (.1364)
Dura, calcification of (.1342)
Dural laceration (.421)
Dural sinus
infratentorial (1776.)
supratentorial (1767.)
Dural sinus venography (.123)
Dural vessels (379.)
bird-headed (1.172) (4.1729)
diastrophic (.1525)
metatrophic (.1526)
prenatal diagnosis (.871)
thanatophotic (.1513)
Dyggve-Melchior Clausen syndrome (.1529)
Dyschondrosteosis (.1537)
Dysgammaglobulinemia (6.2512) (7.767)
hypoplasia of adenoids with (.8811)
Dysharmonic maturation (.553)
Dyskinesia, esophageal (.741)
Dysmyelinating diseases (leukodystrophy) (.873)
Dysostosis (.16)
Dysostosis multiplex (.182)
Dysplasia (.15)
with abnormal cortical formation, modeling, density (.155)
bronchopulmonary (.783)
cartilage and fibrous components (.154)
chondroectodermal (.1962)
cystic (.3122) (.3129)
ecotodermal (.l41)
fibrous (.85)
neoplasm arising in (.355)
mammary (0.72)
multiple epiphyseal (.1535)
Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica (.1541),
Dysrhythmia, prenatal diagnosis (.8752)
Dyssegmental dwarfism (.1519)
Dystocia (.821)
Dystosis (.16)
Eagle-Barrett syndrome (.1444)
prenatal diagnosis (.8782)
Ear (21.)
Ebstein anomaly (.1636) (.1751)
Echinococcus (.2083)
Ecotodermal dysplasia (.141)
atherosclerotic, generalized (.735)
generalized atherosclerotic (.735)
vascular-angiodysplasia (.7162)
Ectopia (.1485)
inferior (.1435)
medial or lateral (.1434)
Ectopia cordis (.1929)
Ectopic eruption (.1463)
Ectopic gallbladder, anomalous or accessory bile ducts (.1497)
Ectopic gastric mucosa, detection (.12174)
Ectopic pancreas (.314)
Ectopic pregnancy (.823)
Edema (0.832) (4.833)
bullous (.837)
cerebral (.86) (.436)
localized (.7214)
segmental infiltrate (.7224)
noncardiac (.711)
transient, of newborn (.785)
Edwardsielia (.2029)
Effusion, effect of radiation (.472)
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (.1891) (5.1972) (7.615) (9.1972)
valvular incompetence (.842)
Fisenmenger complex (.785)
Elbow (42.)
Elbow injury (.482)
Elbow joint (422.)
Electrical pathways, catheter ablation of (.1269)
Elephantiasis (.839)
Ellis van Creveld syndrome (.1962)
Elongated aorta (.366)
Emaciation (.838)
air (.739)
fat (.724)
Embolization (.757)
biopsy (.1264)
iatrogenic (.725)
pulmonary, without infarction (.721)
Embolus (.77)
air (.779)
cholesterol, multiple (.773)
complication of catheterization or angiography (.443) (7.442)
with infarction (.771)
pulmonary, hypertension with (.783)
without infarction (.772)
Embryonal cell sarcoma (.31535)
Emissary vessel, prominent (.1362)
Emotional deprivation syndrome (.519)
compensatory (.7533)
congenital lobar (.7531)
interstitial pulmonary (.736)
obstructive (.3231)
pulmonary (.751)
soft tissue (.493) (1.499)
Emphysema measurements (.1295)
Emphysematous cholecystitis (.284)
Emphysematous cystitis (.218)
"Empty sella" syndrome (.373)
Empyema (6.76), (7.285)
Enamel caries (.2711)
Enamel hypomaturation (.861)
Enamel hypoplasia (.861)
Encapsulated effusion (.764)
Encasement, compression of vessel, unknown etiology (.783)
Encephalitis (.253)
Encephalocele (.146)
prenatal diagnosis (.8745)
Encephalography (.122)
Encephalomyelitis, disseminated (.8721)
Encephalopathies, anoxic (.591)
Enchondroma (.351)
with hemangiomata (Maffucci) (1543)
(Ollier) (.1543)
"End stage" fibrosis (.226)
Endarterectomy (5.4554) (8.456) (9.451)
Endocardial anomaly (.193)
Endocardial cushion defect (.143)
Endocardial fibroelastosis (.1931)
Endocarditis (.21)
Endocardium (512.)
Endocrine disorder (.5)
Endocrine neoplasis, multiple, type II (.329)
Endometrioid cystadenocarcinoma (.3234)
Endometrioma (.319)
Endometriosis (7.318) (8.3192)
Endometritis (.2171)
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (.1222)
Endotracheal tube
postoperative complications (.458)
postoperative trauma (.457)
Engelmann disease (.1555)
Entamoiba histolytica (.2071)
Enteric cyst (.1442)
Enteritis (.26)
granulomatous (.7142)
infectious (.7144)
ischernic (.761)
with bleeding (.7145)
Enterobacter (.2029)
Enterobius vermicularis (.2081)
Enterococcus (.2013)
Enterolith (.811)
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis (.291)
Fosinophilic granuloma (.663)
Eosinophilic pneumonia (.632)
Eosinophilic polyp (granuloma) (.3119)
Ependymal cyst congenital or developmental (.1455) (.1465)
intracranial neoplasm-primary or neoplastic-like condition (.3619)
intracranial inflammation (.254)
Ependymoma (.3636)
Epidermoid inclusion cyst (.369)
Epidermoid inclusion cyst of bone (.435),
Epidermoid tumor
benign neoplasm of scalp or skull (.319)
teratoma (.3622)
Epidermolysis bullosa (4.699) (7.749)
Epididymitis (.214)
Epididymography (.1287)
Epidural hematoma (.432)
Epidural hemorrhage anticoagulant therapy (.3672)
spontaneous, unknown origin (.3671)
Epidural space
brain and meninges, infratentorial (157.)
brain and meninges, supratentorial (137.)
Epidural venous plexus (Batson) (378.)
Epidurography (.1243)
Epiglottic larynx (2711.)
Epiglottis (.248)
Epiphrenic diverticulum (.272)
Epiphyseal acrodysplasia (Thiemann) (.1538)
Epiphyseal closure, premature (.433)
Epiphyseal fracture (.414)
Epiphyseal infection (.212)
Epiphysiolysis (.4146)
Epiphysiometaphyseal acrodysplasia (peripheral dysostosis) (.1538)
accessory (.134)
ivory (.1333)
slipped femoral capital (.4146)
stippled (.1522)
Epispadias (.1461)
Epstein-Barr (.2069)
ERCP-see Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Ergotism (.58)
Erosion, teeth (.867)
Erosive osteoarthritis (acute) (.772)
Error in diagnosis (.94)
Erythema nodosum (.271)
Erythroblastosis (.653)
Erythroblastosis fetalis, prenatal diagnosis (.8723)
Escherichia coli (.2023)
Esophageal achalasia (.745)
Esophageal atresia
prenatal diagnosis (.8762)
with tracheoesophageal fistula (.1422),
without tracheoesophageal fistula (.1421)
Esophageal dyskinesia (.741)
Esophageal hiatus hernia (.152)
Esophageal motility imaging (.12175)
Esophageal obstruction (.74)
Esophageal sphincter, lower (715.)
Esophagitis (.291)
Esophagram (.123)
Esophagus (71.)
columnar lined (.291)
metastatic disease (.8323)
ESWL-see Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Ethmoid bone (121.)
Ethmoid branch, opthalmic artery (1724.),
Ethmoid sinus (232.)
Eustachian tube (2137.)
Eustachian valve (537.)
congenital or acquired (.15)
localized or complete, paralysis of diaphragm (.155)
Ewing tumor (.3281)
Examination technique, phenomenon related to (.99)
Excess intravenous fluid (.7113)
multiple cartilaginous (.1542)
osteocartilaginous (.3113)
Exstrophy of bladder (.1464)
cloaca (.1465)
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation tube track (.459)
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, biliary (.1223)
Extraction site trauma, teeth (.453)
Extradural space, spinal canal
cervical (343.)
lumbosacral (363.)
thoracic (353.)
Extramedullary hematopoiesis (.659) (3.369)
Extraocular muscles (2246.)
Extraperitoneal space (87.)
Extraperitoneal vessels (89.)
Extrapleural fluid (.768)
Extrapleural sign (.915)
Extrarenal pelvis (.1391)
Extravasation of contrast medium (1.4313) (7.719) (8.412)
Extremity blood flow distribution (.12972)
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (inhalation) (.635)
Extrinsic mass, affecting cardiovascular structure (.36)
Extrinsic pressure, subvalvular stenosis, deformity (.1739)
Eye, artificial, postoperative trauma (.456)
Eyeball (224.)
Fabry disease (.679)
Face (2.)
Face presentation (.8222)
Facial dysostosis (.166)
Facial nerve canal (2123.)
Failure of fusion deformity (.145)
Fallopian tube (853.)
blocked (.2175)
calcification (.239)
Fallot tetralogy (.145)
False vocal chord (2716.)
brain and meninges, supratentorial (139.)
calcification of (.1343)
vessel (1724.)
Familial bilateral cystic dysplasia (.3122)
Familial colonic polyposis (.3114)
Familial congenital bowing (.1624)
Familial dysautonomia (.2517)
Familial Mediterranean fever (.59)
Fanconi anemia (.653)
Fanconi syndrome (.5723)
Farber disease (.679)
Farmer's lung (.551)
Fascutis with eosinophilia, diffuse (.6139)
Fat-fluid level in joint (.495)
Fat infiltration, lymphadenopathy due to (.741)
Fat necrosis (.813)
effect of biopsy (.4536)
post-traumatic (.432)
Fat pad
displaced (.91)
pericardial (.133)
Fecal impaction (.791)
Femoral artery
common (921.)
profunda (923.)
superficial (922.)
Femoral vein
common (921.)
deep system (932.)
distal end (451.)
proximal end (443.)
shaft (444.)
Fenestral otosclerosis (.871)
Fenestration (.1364)
Fetal abnormality (prenatal diagnosis) (.87)
Fetal alcohol syndrome (4.1728) (8.1479)
Fetal circulation, persistent (.789)
Fetal death (.8251)
late (.8258)
Fetal Dilantin syndrome (.1728)
Fetal fluid collection, excess, prenatal diagnosis (.872)
Fetal lobulation (.134)
Fetometry (.1281)
Fetus (856.)
abnormal measurement (.86)
excess fetal fluid collection, prenatal diagnosis (.872)
fetal alcohol syndrome (.1479)
hydatidiform mole with (.31911)
sex determination (.911)
special study of (.128)
Fibrin body (.769)
Fibrinolytic agents (.1274)
Fibroadenoma (.311)
Fibrocystic disease (.721)
Fibrodysplasia (myositis) ossificans (.81)
Fibrodysplasia (myositis) ossificans progressiva (.1611)
Fibrolamellar hepatoma (.324)
Fibrolipomatosis, involutive change of lymphatic system (.821)
Fibroma (0.3191) (5.313) (6.317) (6.319) (7.3133) (8.318)
chondromyxoid (.3112)
desmoplastic (.3132)
nonossifying (.3131)
ossifying (.3139)
peridontal (.313)
Fibromatosis, infantile (juvenile) (.1544)
Fibromuscular disease (.722)
Fibromuscular disorder (.722)
Fibromuscular hyperplasia (.7224)
intimal (.7221)
medial (1.7221) (9.7222)
retrolental (.818)
subadventitial (.7223)
Fibrosarcoma (.323) (4.372)
Fibrosis (.723)
effect of radiation (.473)
"end stage" (.226)
interstitial (.6113)
idiopathic (.792)
mediastinal (.273)
multicystic (.226)
pericapsular (.763)
radiation (6.47) (9.844)
retroperitoneal (8.893) (9.827)
Fibrous dysplasia (.355)
neoplasm arising in preexisting benign disorder (.355)
Fibrous histiocytoma
benign (.3185)
malignant (.3285)
Fibrous union of fracture or dislocation (.432)
Fibrous cortical defect (.3131)
distal end (462.)
proximal end (455.)
shaft (457.)
Filariasis (.824)
Filum terminale
lumbosacral spinal canal (365.)
vessel of (376.)
First pass ejection fraction measurement (.12175)
infratentorial (166.)
orbital (225.)
superior orbital (124.)
supratentorial (165.)
Fistula-see also Arteriovenous fistula (.245)
branchial cleft (A472)
bronchopleural (.24)
inflammation (.24)
internal biliary (operative or other) (.284)
post-traumatic arteriovenous (.494)
soft tissue inflammation (.245)
thyroglossal (.1474)
tracheoesophageal, acquired (.24)
vascular-enteric (.719)
Flat foot
nonrigid (flexible) (.1473)
rigid (spastic) (.1472)
Flat pelvic contour (.8281)
Flatworm (.208)
(Fleischner lines (.7223)
Flexion and extension projections (.1251),
Flow volumetry studies 'magnetic resonance (.12144)
magnetic resonance (.12944) (9.)
Fluid level, sinus (.253)
Fluke blood (.2084)
intestinal (.2085)
lung (.2085)
Fluorine intoxication, poisoning (.582)
Fluoroscopic observation (.88)
Fluoroscopy (5.127) (6.123)
Fluorosis (.58)
Focal atrophy (.4371)
Focal nodular hyperplasia (.3198)
Follicular cyst (.3117)
Fontanel (116.)
accessory (.1335)
bone (.1339)
early closure (.1334)
late closure (.1333)
variant (.133)
arteries (929.)
fungus infection (.8223)
veins (937.)
Foot deformity (.147)
parietal (.1338)
vascular (.139)
Foramen magnum (127.)
accessory bones at (.1339)
Foramen of Luschka (1644.)
Foramen of Magendie (1644.)
Foramen of Munro (1612.)
Foramen ovale, patent (.1411)
Foramina (124.)
Forearm (42.)
arteries (913.)
veins (916.)
Foreign body (.46)
effect of biopsy (.4537)
effect of trauma (.46)
nonopaque (.462)
opaque (.461)
Foreign body localization (.128)
Foreign body removal, intravascular (.1269)
Fornix (135.)
Forrestier disease (.777)
Fracture (.41) (8.411)
of bronchus (.4124)
complication of (.43)
in Cushing syndrome (.541)
dental fillings (.4825)
dislocation (.422)
dislocation or subluxation with (.422),
dislocation or subluxation without (.421)
of larynx (.496)
of trachea (.4124)
Free fluid (.761)
Friedlander bacillus (.2022)
Friedreich ataxia (.1965)
Frontal artery, ascending (1744.)
Frontal bone (111.)
Frontal gyrus, inferior (1313.)
Frontal horn (1611.)
Frontal operculum (1312.)
Frontal pole (1311.)
Frontal sinus (231.)
Frontometaphyseal dysplasia (.1556)
Frontonasal dysplasia (.1485)
Frontopolar artery (1732.)
Fucosidosis (.1825)
Functional abnormalities (.91)
Functional megacolon (.791)
Functional ovarian cyst (.3117)
Fundamental observation (.91)
Fungoides, mycosis (.8346)
Fungus (.205)
osteomyelitis (.215)
osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
"Fungus ball," intracavity (.254)
Fungus infection of feet, chronic, with lymph node inflammation (.8223)
Furadantin, complication of (.6411)
Fusion (2.1491) (8.142)
failure of segmentation (.143)
postoperative (.451)
Galactocele (.714)
Gallbladder (762.)
calcified wall (.286)
extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.365)
hernia of (.159)
intraperitoneal perforation (.285)
Gallbladder duplication (.141)
Gallstone on plain file (.289)
Ganglion (4.361)
intraosseous (.319)
Ganglioneuroblastoma (.325)
Ganglioneuroma (6.3162) (8.3199)
Gangrene, pulmonary (.215)
Gardner syndrome (1.3121) (4.3129) (7.3114)
in abdominal wall (.49)
abnormal collection of (.491)
complication of catheterization or angiography (.443)
in diaphragm (.49)
intravascular, post-traumatic (.49)
intravascular (.499)
noxious, response to inhalation of (.52)
in portal vein (.783)
unusual collection (7.78) (8.898)
in urinary tract (.218)
Gas-containing abscess (.2111)
Gas encephalography (.1221)
Gas gangrene (.242)
Gas pyelography (.1229)
Gas ventriculography (.1223)
Gastric artery, left (953.)
Gastric emptying study (.12177)
Gastritis (7.291) (9.7141)
Gastroduodenal artery (952.)
Gastroenteric cyst (.1442)
Gastroenteritis, eosinophilic (.291)
Gastroenterogenous osteomalacia (.5721)
Gastroesophageal junction (716.)
Gastroesophageal reflex study (.12176)
Gastroesophageal reflux (.85)
Gastroesophageal regurgitation (reflux) (.151)
Gastrointestinal bleeding (.71)
Gastrointestinal bleeding study (.12178)
Gastrointestinal fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.876)
Gastrointestinal ischemia (.761)
Gastrointestinal obstruction, prenatal diagnosis (.8763)
Gastrointestinal system,
arteries and veins (95.)
inflammation (.26)
metastatic disease (.832)
Gastrointestinal tract, hollow viscus, extrinsic mass arising in (.363)
Gastroschisis (7.1495)
prenatal diagnosis (.8761)
Gated cardiac blood pool imaging (.12174)
Gaucher disease (.67)
Generalized juvenile polyposis (.3114)
Genital system, anomaly or developmental abnormality of (.147)
Genital tract
extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.362)
extrinsic mass arising in (.362)
female (85.)
male (84.)
special study of (.128)
Genitourinary fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.878)
Genitourinary system,
arteries and veins (96.)
extrinsic mass affecting (.36)
inflammation (.25)
metastatic disease (.831)
Genitourinary tract infection (.21)
Genu recurvatum (.1493)
Germ cell tumor (.3153)
Germinal center (.1341)
Geroderma osteodysplastica (.1729)
Gestational sac (856.)
empty (.8251)
low implantation (.8264)
nongrowth (.8256)
Giant cell carcinoma (.3218 )
Giant cell interstitial pneumonia (.795)
Giant cell pneumonia (.2063)
Giant cell reparative granuloma (.274)
Giant cell tumor benign or malignant (.3182)
of tendon sheath (.784)
"Giant" ulcer (.259)
Giardia lamblia (.2072)
Gigantism (.511)
cerebral (.1712)
localized (.1444)
Glioblastoma multiforme (.3634)
Gliosis (.1456)
Globulomaxillary cyst (.3812)
Glomerulonephritis (8.697) (9.698)
acute (.7132)
Glomus jugulare (.3642)
Glomus tumor (4.369) (7.3193)
Glycogen storage disease (5.1933) (7.68) (8.59)
GMI gangliosidosis (.1824)
Goiter (.368)
Goldenhar syndrome (.1662)
Gonadal veins (969.)
Gonococcus (.2029)
Goodpasture syndrome (.691)
Gorham disease (vanishing bone) (.3143)
Gorlin syndrome (.1671)
Gout (.75)
Graft, bypass (.452),
Graft-versus-host reaction (6.699) (7.69)
Cram-negative bacterium (.202)
Cram-positive facultative bacterium (.201)
Granular cell myoblastoma (0.3192) (6.319)
Granuloma (1.256) (7.3119)
complicating tracheostomy or endotracheal tube (.458)
eosinophilic (.663)
giant cell reparative (.274)
infection classified by organism (.20206)
midline lethal (.622)
periapical (.2731)
plasma cell (.3183)
sinus (.241)
subdural or epidural (.257)
Granulomatosis, Wegener (.622)
Granulomatous colitis (7.262) (9.7142)
Granulomatous disease (9.823)
of childhood (.214)
Granulomatous enteritis (.7142)
Graphite dusts (.779)
Gray matter, degenerative disease of (.88)
Great arteries
malposition of (.169)
transposition (.16)
Great vessels,
anomaly (.15)
Grebe syndrome (4.1511) (4.1629)
Greenstick fracture (.4192)
abnormality (.787)
acceleration, secondary (.591)
decreased (.172)
increased (.171)
primary disturbance (.17)
retardation, intrauterine (.871)
retardation, secondary (.592)
Gunshot wound (.435)
Gynecomastia (.75)
Gyrus rectal (1313.)
Habenula, calcification of (.1344)
Hajdu-Chaney syndrome (.1861)
Hallerman-Streiff syndrome (.1661)
Hamartoma (.314)
Hamate bone (4337.)
Hammer toe (.1489)
Hampton hump (.7221)
Hand (43.)
arteries (914.)
veins (916.)
Hand-foot-uterus syndrome (.1643)
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease (.662)
Head, neoplasm (.8334)
Healed fracture old (.416)
old (.417)
Heart (51.)
arteries, veins of the thorax (56.)
blood (57.)
cardiac chamber (52.)
cardiac valve (53.)
coronary vessel (54.)
pericardium (55.)
Heart abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.8753)
Heart block, congenital (.1938)
Heart disease acquired pulmonary hypertension with (.784)
surgery for (.454)
valvular surgery for (.453)
associated with rheumatoid arthritis (.619)
congenital "correction" of (.452)
palliation (.451)
prenatal diagnosis (.8751)
pulmonary hypertension with (.785)
type undetermined (.191)
valvular surgery for (.453)
rheumatic valvular and perivalvular stenosis and (.831)
valvular incompetence (.841)
Heart shape, unusual or unexplained (.873)
Heart valve, infection due to vegetation (.21)
Heavy ion mammography (.1292)
Heavy metal intoxication (.581)
Heavy- or light-chain disorder (.349)
Helminth (.208)
Hemangioblastoma (.3651)
Hemangioendothelioma (6.319)
malignant (.324)
Hemangioma (.362) (6.319) (7.3194) (8.318)
bleeding (.7151)
congenital, associated with localized "gigantism" (.1444)
cutaneous, associated with vertebral anomaly (.1455)
sclerosing (.3181)
vascular, lymphatic origin (.314)
Hemangiopericytoma (.3149) (6.319) (7.3193)
benign (.3149)
malignant (.324)
Hemangiosarcoma (.324)
Hemarthrosis, traumatic (.492)
Hematocolpos (.14788)
Hematological disorder (.65)
Hematoma (0.431) (3.367)
brain (.434)
calcified (.811)
complication of catheterization or angiography (.441)
effect of trauma (.413)
epidural (.432)
intramedullary (.3674)
intramural, with dissection (.74)
mediastinal (.4128)
pulmonary (.4124)
spontaneous (.367)
subdural (.433)
subgaleal (.493)
vascular injury (.413)
Hematometria (.14786)
Hematometrocolpos (.14787)
Hematomyelia (.368)
Hematopolesis, extramedullary (.659)
Hemiatrophy (1.1422) (4.142)
Hemiazygos continuation of inferior vena cava, bilateral inferior vena cava (.1599)
Hemiazygous vein (567.) (947.)
Hemifacial microsomia (.1663)
Hemihypertrophy (1.144) (4.1443)
Hemimelia (.141)
Hemisphere, cerebellar (1531.)
Hemivertebra (.1451)
Hemochromatosis (.594) (5.863) (7.659)
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (.628)
Hemopericardium, traumatic or other (.822)
Hemoperitoneum (.77)
Hemophilia (.656)
Hemophilus influenzae (.2026)
Hemophilus species (.2026)
Hemopneumopericardium, traumatic or other (.823)
Hemorrhage (2.492) (3.367)
adrenal, prenatal diagnosis (.8784)
adrenal (.546)
epidural (3.3671) (3.3672) (3.3673)
intracranial, prenatal diagnosis (.8748),
intramedullary (.3674)
intrapulmonary (.4123)
intraventricular (.367)
mediastinal (.4128)
myleography, complication of (.444)
spontaneous (1.367) (3.3671)
subarachnoid, arachnoiditis secondary to (.2521)
Hemorrhagic infarct (.782)
Hemorrhagic telangiectasia with arteriovenous fistula, hereditary (.1494)
Hemosiderosis, pulmonary, idiopathic (.692)
Hemothorax (.4125)
Henoch purpura (.627)
Hepatic arteriography (.1242)
Hepatic artery (952.)
Hepatic flexure (753.)
Hepatic oil emboli following lymphangiography (.799)
Hepatitis (.291)
Hepatobiliary study (.12172)
Hepatocellular carcinoma (.323)
Hepatodiaphragmatic interposition (.136)
Hepatomegaly (.371)
Hepatorenal syndrome (.766)
Hepatosplenomegaly (.373)
Hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy (Stickler) (.1539)
Herellea (.2029)
pseudo, female, nonadrenal (.1474)
pseudo, male (.1473)
true (.1479)
congenital or acquired (.15)
diaphragmatic, prenatal diagnosis (.8754)
of gallbladder (.159)
of liver (.159)
lung, congenital (.1496)
of lung, traumatic (.432)
through foramen of Bochdalek (pleuroperitoneal canal) (.154)
through foramen of Morgagni (.153)
Herniated brain (.4212)
Herniated or intervertebral protruded disk (.783)
Herniation (.1436)
Herniography (.1297)
Heroin complication (.644)
Herpes (.2065)
Heterotaxy, visceral (.1653)
"Hilar dance" (.881)
Hilar lyrnph node (677.)
Hilum overlay sign (.913)
Hinmann bladder (.82)
Hip injury (.484)
Hip joint (442.)
Hippel-Lindau syndrome (.1834)
Hippocampal gyri ~341.)
Hirschsprung disease (.145)
Histiocytic lymphoma (.3434)
Histiocytoma (6.3181)
fibrous, benign (.3185)
fibrous, malignant (.3285)
Histiocytosis (.66)
Histoplasma capsulatum (.2053)
Histoplasma dulloisii (.2053)
Histoplasmosis (.2053) (9.8234)
Hodgkin disease (.342) (9.8342)
Holoprosencephaly (1.1412)
prenatal diagnosis (.8743)
Holt-Oram syndrome (4.1641) (5.1961)
Homocystinuria (3.595) (4.597) (5.1973) (9.1979)
Horseshoe kidney (.1421)
Human immunodeficiency virus (.2068)
distal end (421.)
proximal end (415.)
shaft (416.)
Hunter syndrome (MPS II) (.1812)
Huntington disease (.884), p.11
Hurler-Scheie compound (MPS I-H/S) (.1819)
Hurler syndrome (MPS I-H) (.1811)
Hyaline membrane disease (.781)
Hydatidiform mole (.3191)
Hydometra (.2172)
Hydranencephaly (1.1459)
prenatal diagnosis (.87441)
Hydrarthrosis, traumatic (.492)
Hydrocephalus (1.82)
congenital (.145)
obstructive, post-traumatic (.4372)
prenatal diagnosis (.8744)
Hydrocolpos (A4788)
Hydrometria (.14786)
Hydrometrocolpos (.14787)
Hydromyelia (3.368) (3.1489)
Hydronephrosis (8.84) (9.762)
prenatal diagnosis (.8772)
Hydropic degeneration, partial mole (.8245)
Hydrops (7.285)
prenatal diagnosis (.8723)
soft tissue (.833)
Hydrosalpinx (.2172)
Hydrothorax (.76)
Hydroureter (8.84)
prenatal diagnosis (.8772)
Hygroma (1.433) (6.3157)
cystic (4.362)
prenatal diagnosis (.8724)
Hypercalcemia, idiopathic, of infancy (.599) (5.1963)
Hypercementosis (.383)
Hypercorticothyroidism (.541)
Hypereruption (.866)
Hyperestrogenism (.51)
Hyperextension fracture (.412)
Hyperinflation due to physical obstruction of the airway (.752)
Hyperostosis (1.916)
benign external (.1324)
benign internal (.1323)
diffuse idiopathic skeletal (DISH) (.777)
infantile cortical (CaffEy) (.695)
unknown etiology (.862)
Hyperparathyroidism (2.531)
congenital (.539)
primary (.531)
secondary, nonrenal (.532)
secondary, osteomalacia plus (.573)
secondary, renal (.573)
secondary (.532)
Hyperphosphatasemia (.1555)
Hyperplasia (.144) (8.1495)
adrenal (.5412)
fibromuscular (.7224)
focal nodular (.3198)
nodular lymphoid (7.765) (7.3114)
prostatic (.316)
reactive (.826)
Hyperplastic cholecystosis (.287)
Hyperplastic polyp (.3113)
Hypersegmentation (.144)
Hypersensitivity angutis (.624)
Hypertelorism (.1431)
Hypertension (1.721)
malignant (.7232)
portal (.711)
pulmonary with acquired heart disease (.784)
with diffuse pulmonary parenchymal and airway disease (.782)
primary (idiopathic) (.781)
with pulmonary embolus (.783)
renovascular, pyelography for (.1224)
renovascular (.72)
vascular manifestation of (.723)
Hypertensive cardiovascular disorder (.72)
Hyperthyroidism (.522)
Hypertonic esophageal sphincter (.749)
Hypertrophic changes (.77)
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (.861)
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (.1431)
Hypertrophy (8.1495)
of Brunner glands (.3195)
compensatory renal (.892)
Hyperventilation (.7534)
Hypervitaminosis (.583)
Hypochondrogenesis (.1528)
Hypochondroplasia (.1530)
Hypocorticosteroidism (.545)
Hypogammaglobulinemia (.2511)
Hypogenetic lung syndrome (.142)
Hypoglossal artery (.1363)
Hypoglossal canal (127.)
Hypoglossia-hypodactylia syndrome (.1632)
Hypomaturation, tooth enamel (.861)
Hypoparathyroidism (.533)
Hypopharynx (272.)
Hypophosphatasia (.593)
prenatal diagnosis (.8734)
Hypoplasia (.142)
of abdominal musculature, prenatal diagnosis (.8782)
of abdominal musculature (.1444)
of adenoids (.881)
multiple limb, prenatal diagnosis (.8732)
one limb, prenatal diagnosis (.8731)
of paranasal sinus (2.132)
renal, prenatal diagnosis (.8779)
thoracic, prenatal diagnosis (.8755)
tooth enamel (.861)
tubular (5.1742)
of aorta (.1512)
underdeveloped bronchus and lung (.1413)
unilateral, of pulmonary artery (.1555)
vascular (.1365)
Hypoplastic annulus (.1722)
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (.1715)
Hypoplastic lung with abnormal bronchial tree (.142)
Hypoplastic pulmonary artery (.142)
Hypoplastic right heart syndrome (.1716),
Hypoproteinemia (.763)
Hypospadias (.1435)
Hypotelorism (.1432)
Hypothalamus (144.)
Hypothyroidism (.521)
Hypotonic duodenography (.1234)
Hypoxia, extrathoracic, pulmonary hypertension with (.786)
Hysterosalpingography (.1282)
Hystiocytosis (.66)
I-cell disease (ML II) (.1822)
Ileal bladder anastomosis (.453)
Ileal conduit anastomosis (.453)
Ileocecal valve (752.)
Ileum (742.)
Ileus, paralytic, adynamic or nonobstructive typical manifestation (.721)
unusual manifestation (.722)
Iliac arteries
common (984.)
external (986.)
internal (986.)
Iliac extraperitoneal space (87.)
Iliac veins
common (985.)
external (987.)
internal (987.)
Iliolumbar ligament calcification, ossification (.811)
Ilium (4411.)
Image enhancement (.127)
Imaging of nuclei other than hydrogen magnetic resonance (.12147)
magnetic resonance (.12947)
Immotile cilia syndrome (.266)
Immunodeficiency with thrombocytopenia and eczema (.2513)
Immunoglobulin aberration, primary (.2512)
Impacted cuspid (.1452)
Impacted fracture (.412)
Impacted third molar (.1451)
Impacted tooth (.145)
Imperforate anus (.1433)
Implant, of radiation source (.452)
complication of trauma (.883)
secondary to arterial disease (.881)
secondary to venous incompetence (.882)
Incisors, peg lateral (.1461)
Incisural structure (146.)
Inclusion cyst (.731)
tricuspid valve, due to Ebstein anomaly (.1636)
valvular (.175)
Incompetent cervix (.14785)
Incompetent perforating vessel (.753)
Incontinence, stress (.835)
Incontinentia pigmenta (.891)
Indeterminate loop (.1685)
Indifference to pain, congenital (.821)
Infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey) (.695)
Infantile (juvenile) fibromatosis (.1544)
Infantile uterus (.14781)
Infantilism (.1472)
Infarct (1.78) (8.77)
calcification (.814)
ossification (.814)
postoperative complication of renal transplant (.4555)
resection of (.4543)
Infarction (1.4352) (7.795)
bone (.441)
cardiac effect of atherosclerosis (.771),
bacterial, osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
calcification in (.815)
classified by organism (.20)
dental (.27)
diffuse (.241)
fungal, osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
genitourinary tract (.21)
lyrnphadenopathy due to (.742)
neoplasm in preexisting benign disorder (.352)
opportunistic (.217)
parasitic, osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
secondary to surgical prosthesis, suture (.214)
soft tissue, bone reaction secondary to (.218)
spirochete, osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
thermal injury, calcification or ossification secondary to (.815),
transpiacental, change secondary to (.27)
viral, osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
Infectious diseases, with lymph node inflammation (.8224)
Infectious enteritis (.7144)
Infectious mononucleosis (6.271) (9.8221)
Infectious (suppurative) arthritis (2.29) (4.26)
Inferior phrenic arteriography (.1243)
Infiltrative disorder, amyloid (.68)
Inflammation (.2)
acute (.21)
effect of radiation (.471)
of lymphatic system (.82)
soft tissue (.24)
subacute or chronic (.22)
Inflammatory disease (9.714)
lymphedema secondary to (.8521)
Inflammatory mass (.24)
Inflammatory or granulomatous calcification, ossification (.814)
Influenza (.2062)
Inframesocolic intraperitoneal recess (794.)
Infratentorial cistern (166.)
Infratentorial fissure (166.)
Infratentorial sulcus (166.)
Infratentorial vein (177.)
Infrequent voider (.849)
Infundibular and valvular stenosis, with tetralogy of Fallot (.1451)
Infundibular recess (1621.)
Infundibular stenosis, with tetralogy of Fallot (.1452)
Infundibular subvalvular stenosis, deformity (.1731)
Infundibulum, pulmonary (532.)
Infusion pyelography with tomography(.1213)
Ingestion response (.57)
Inguinal, pelvic and abdoininal nodes, combination (994.)
Inguinal nodes (991.)
Injury acute (.41)
birth (.829)
complication of (.43)
penetrating (.411)
thermal (.822)
Innominate artery (562.) (942.)
tracheal compression by (.1549)
Innominate veins (9461.)
Insertion of pacing electrode (.128)
stent (.1267)
venous filter (.1267)
Inspiration-expiration study (.1253)
Insula (141.)
Insular arteries (1743.)
Intercostal vessels (949.)
Interlobar fluid (.763)
Interlobular arteries (963.)
Internal anastomosis (.453)
Internal hernia (.158)
Internal resorption, tooth (.8621)
Interparietal bone (.1337)
Interpediculate measurements (.92)
Interphalangeal joint
foot (467.)
hand (437.)
Interstitial calcification of metabolic origin (2.814) (4.813)
Interstitial disease (.917)
Interstitial fibrosis (.6113)
Interstitial pneumonia (6.213)
desquamative (.793)
giant cell (.795)
Intertarsal bar (.1472)
Interureteric ridge (.1393)
Interventional procedure (0.126)
complication of (.458)
Intervertebral disk calcification, ossification (.812)
cervical spine (316.)
coccyx (336.)
extruded (.7833)
lumbosacral spine (336.)
migrating (.7834)
thoracic spine (325.)
vacuum (.782)
Intervertebral foramen
cervical spine (315.)
coccyx (335.)
lumbosacral spine (335.)
narrowed (.771)
thoracic spine (325.)
Intervertebral protruded disk (.783)
Intestinal arcade
Arc of Buhler (.1351)
Arc of Burkow (.1353)
Arc of Riolan (.1352)
Intestinal fluke (.2085)
Intestinal roundworm (.2081)
Intestinal-vesical fissure (.1465)
Intimal tear complication of catheterization or angiography (.444)
vascular injury (.4124)
vascular trauma (.482)
Intoxication (.58)
Intra-abdominal abscess, inflammatory mass (.21)
Intracavitary "fungus ball" (.254)
Intracranial calcification, abnormal (.81)
Intracranial hemorrhage, prenatal diagnosis (.8748)
Intracranial inflammation (.25)
Intracranial mass lesion of unknown etiology (.369)
Intracranial neoplasm, primary (.36)
Intracranial pressure, increased angiographic manifestation (.761)
Intramammary lymph nodes (0.744)
Intramedullary hemorrhage, hematoma or contusion (.3674)
Intramural diverticulum (.279)
Intramural hematoma with dissection (.74).
Intramural injection, complication of catheterization or angiography (.444)
Intramuscular pyelography (.1229)
Intraosseous ganglion (.319)
Intraosseous venography (.1249)
Intraperitoneal structures (7.)
Intrapulmonary hemorrhage (.4123)
Intrarenal hematoma (.4132)
Intrarenal veins (966.)
Intraspinal mass lesion of unknown etiology (.369)
Intrauterine device (.463)
abnormally positioned in uterus (.4632)
extrauterine (.4633)
normally positioned (.4631)
pelvic inflammatory disease associated with (.2179)
pregnancy with (.8263)
Intrauterine growth retardation
dwarfism (.1727)
prenatal diagnosis (.871)
Intrauterine transfusion (.1284)
Intravascular coagulation, disseminated
Intravascular foreign body removal (.1269),
Intravascular gas (.499)
Intravenous angiography (.1242)
Intravenous aortography (.1213)
Intravenous arteriography (.1225)
Intravenous drip, computed tomography enhancement (.12112)
Intravenous pyelography (.1221)
Intubation, small intestine (.1272)
Intussusception with obstruction (.732)
without obstruction (.731)
Inverted appendiceal stump (.451)
Iron deficiency anemia (.654)
Irradiated bone (.354)
gastrointestinal (.761)
myocardial, transient (.1939)
Ischemic (aseptic) necrosis (1.4534) (3.497)
Ischemic colitis (7.266) (9.761)
with bleeding (.7145)
Ischemic enteritis (7.266) (9.761)
with bleeding (.7145)
Ischemic infarct (.781)
Ischemic necrosis (.44)
Ischium (4412.)
Islet cell tumor (benign and malignant) (.3191)
Ivory vertebra (.843)
Jacoud arthritis (.79)
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (.836)
Jansen type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (.1536)
Jarco Levine dysplasia (.1651)
dental filling material embedded in (.485)
impression material embedded in (.485)
Jejunum (741.)
Jet collapse (.91)
"Jet" phenomenon (.1392)
Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (.1512)
Joint capsule (4522.)
Joint cartilage (4521.)
Joint disorder (.7)
Joint effusion (4.254)
etiology undetermined (.789)
Jugular foramen (127.)
Jugular fossa (2135.)
Jugular tuberde (127.)
Jugular venography (.123)
Juvenile diskogenic disorder (.496)
Juvenile kyphosis (Scheuermann disease) (.4963)
Juvenile nephronophthisis, familial (.3125)
Juvenile osteoporosis, idiopathic (.563)
Juvenile polyp (7.3113)
bleeding (.7151)
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (.713)
Juxtacortical (parosteal) chondroma (.3115)
Kaolin dusts (.779)
Kaposi sarcoma (.346) (9.8348)
Kaposi syndrome (.346)
Kartegener syndrome (.266)
Kawasacki syndrom - see Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (.629)
Keloid (.734)
Keratosis (.733)
Kerckring process (.1339)
Kerley lines (.912)
Kidney (81.)
enlarged, of undetermined etiology (.896)
fused (.142)
horseshoe (.1421)
metastatic disease (.8318)
multicystic (.1442)
nonopacified or poorly opacified (.71)
polycystic, adult, prenatal diagnosis (.8773)
polycystic, dominantly inherited form (adult form) (.3121)
polycystic, infantile, prenatal diagnosis (.8774)
polycystic, recessively inherited form (infantile form) (.3122)
size abnormality (.892)
small, of undetermined etiology (.896)
supernumerary (.1419)
Kidney failure, with acquired cystic disease (.3118)
Kidney transplant
postoperative complication of (.455)
rejection (.4552)
satisfactory transplant (.4551)
Kirner deformity (.1489)
Kiebsiella pneumoniae (.2022)
Kieeblatschadel (.1435)
Kilnefelter syndrome (3.1852) (8.1472)
Klippel-Feil syndrome (.1432)
Knee (45.)
Knee injury (.485)
Knee joint (452.)
Kneist syndrome (.1526)
Kozlowski type, spondylometaphyseal dysplasia (.1534)
Kiabbe disease (.8732)
Knikenberg tumor (.339)
Kummel disease (.497)
Kwashiokor (.864)
Kymography (.1297)
Kyphoscoliosis (3.863) (5.8743)
Kyphosis, round back (.862)
L-loop and
inversely related great arteries (.1683),
anomaly of (.1684)
corrected (.163)
Labrum, displaced (.4842)
Laceration (0.434) (8.411)
brain (.439)
meninges (.439)
pulmonary (.4124)
scalp (.491)
secondary to trauma (.491)
traumatic, of nodes or ducts (.842)
vascular (.4314)
vascular trauma (.482)
Laceration, transection (.412)
vascular injury (.412)
Lacilmal apparatus (223.)
Lacrimal duct, fistula (.245)
Lactose study, small intestine (.1274)
Lacunar skull (.1491)
cervical spine (312.)
coccyx (332.)
lumbosacral spine (332.)
thoracic spine (32.)
Laminectomy (.452)
Landing-Shirkey syndrome (4.214) (6.2516) (7.296)
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (.66)
Large bowel obstruction
typical manifestation (.725)
unusual manifestation (.726)
Large cell carcinoma, undifferentiated (.3214)
Larnyngomalacia (.1496)
Larsen syndrome (.1626)
Laryngeal cleft (j499)
Laryngeal cyst (J499)
Laryngeal stenosis (.1492)
Laryngography (.1221)
Laryngopharynx (272.)
Larynx (271.)
obstruction of (.7522)
trauma to (.496)
cold (.1285)
thermal (.1284)
Laser assisted coronary angioplasty (.1266)
Lateral bending projections (.1251)
Lateral incisor, peg (.1461)
Laurence-Moon-Bardot-Biedel syndrome (4.1894) (8.18)
Lead nephropathy (.581)
Lead poisoning (.5811)
Left gastric arteriography (.1243)
Left ventricular decompensation
lung changes with (.712)
Leg (45.)
deep venous system (calf) (935.)
length study (.123)
superficial venous system (calf) (936.)
unequal lengths (.1484)
Legionella micdadei (Pittsburgh pneumonia agent) (.2028)
pneumophila (.2028)
Leigh disease (.8736)
Leiomyoma (6.319) (7.3131) (8.318) (8.8262)
bleeding (.7151)
fibroid (8.315)
with calcification (.3151)
Leishmania (.2073)
Lens (2243.)
trauma to (.495)
Lenticulostriate arteries (1741.)
Leontiasis ossea (.85)
Leprechaunism (.1729)
Leprosy (.821) (9.8234)
Leptomeningeal cyst (.4211)
Leptospira group (.2078)
Leptospirosis (.2078)
Len syndrome (pleonosteosis) (.1625)
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (.599)
Letterer-Siwe disease (.661)
Leukemia (.34)
lymphatic system (.8341) (.341)
Leukemic infiltration of lung (.3412)
Leukodystrophy, metachromatic (.8731)
disseminated necrotizing (secondary to radiation or chemotherapy) (.8722)
progressive multifocal (.8721)
secondary to infectious agent (.8721)
secondary to toxic causes (.8722)
subacute sclerosing (.8721)
Leukoplakia (.3193)
LeVeen shunt elevation (.12979)
primary (.1671)
secondary (.1672)
Ligament injury (.48)
Ligament tear, knee (.4857)
Ligamentum arteriosum, calcified (.1469)
Limb dysostosis (.162)
Limbus vertebra (.4962)
Linear fracture (.411)
Lipoblastoma (.363)
Lipodystrophy (.1892)
Lipofibroadenoma (.3115), p.92
Lipoma (.319) (.369) (4.363) (5.312) (6.3159) (7.315) (8.318) (0.313)
associated with vertebral anomaly (.1455)
tethered cord with congenital tumor (.1482)
pelvic (.895)
renal sinus (.894)
Lipomatosis cordis (.59)
Lipomucopolysaccharidosis (ML 1) (.1821)
Liposarcoma (.371)
Listeria monocytogenes (.2019)
Lithopedion ectopic pregnancy (.8239)
Lithotripsy-see also Shock wave lithotripsy effects (.491)
Liver (761.)
absent right or left lobe (.134)
adenoma (.3192)
benign lesion (.3198)
biliary tract disease (.7612)
extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.363)
extrinsic mass affecting genitourinary structure arising in (.364)
fat infiltration of (.5)
hernia of (.159)
intra-abdominal calcification, calculus (.814)
liver-spleen imaging (.12171)
Liver fluke (.2085)
Lobar pneumonia (6.211)
tuberculous (.2323)
Lobectomy (.453)
Lobular carcinoma invasive (.327)
in situ (.321)
Loeffler syndrome (.631)
Loose body in
hip (.4844)
knee (.4857)
shoulder (.4815)
Lordosis, swayback (.864)
Low-flow state (.76)
Lumbar arteries (983.)
Lumbar rib (.132)
Lumbarization (.131)
Lumbosacral angle, increased (.865)
Lumbosacral spinal canal (33.)
Lumbosacral spine (33.)
Lumpectomy (.455)
Lunate bone (4332.)
absent (.1412)
fluke (.2085)
hernia, congenital (.1496)
hypoplastic, with abnormal bronchial tree (.142)
left lower lobe (65.)
left upper lobe (64.)
right lower lobe (63.)
right middle lobe (62.)
right upper lobe (61.)
unilateral hyperlucent (.7532)
Lung abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.8758)
Lung biopsy (.126)
Lung changes with left ventricular decompensation (.712)
with mitral stenosis (.713)
Lung perfusion study (.12171)
Lung ventilation study (.12174) (.12175) (.12176)
Lupus erythematosus (.612)
Lupus nephritis (.612)
Luschka joint, cervical spine (314.)
Lutembacher syndrome (with congenital or acquired mitral stenosis) (.1414)
Lyme disease (4.2079) (5.207)
Lymph ducts, traumatic laceration (.842),
Lymph node-see also specific location (99.) (276.)
calcified (.816)
hyperplastic enlarged, inflammatory change (.822)
intra-abdominal calcification (.812)
mediastinal (679.)
mucocutaneous, syndrome (.629)
mucocutaneous, syndrome (.739)
traumatic laceration (.842)
Lymphadenitis (.246) (6.271)
Lymphadenopathy (.74)
Lymphangiectasia (6.1491) (7.766)
Lymphangiography (.125)
Lymphangioma (.3142) (.3199) (.362) (6.3157) (7.3194)
associated with localized "gigantism" (.1444)
prenatal diagnosis (.8724)
vascular, lymphatic origin (.314)
Lymphangiomyomatosis (.829)
Lymphangitic neoplasm (.331)
Lymphatic channels, peripheral (999.)
Lymphatic obstruction, obstructive (.843)
Lymphatic system
disorder (.8)
Lymphatic-venous communication (.813)
Lymphatic vessels (99.)
major, duplicated (.814)
major, poorly developed (.815)
acquired (.852)
congenital (.1449)
primary (.851)
Lymphocele, postoperative complication of renal transplant (.4556)
Lymphocyst formation, postoperative (.841)
Lymphocytic pseudotumor of lung (.3182)
Lymphoma (.34)
lymphatic system (.834)
primary, of bone (.3282)
Lymphopathia venereum (7.269) (9.825)
Lymphosarcoma - see Non-Hodgldn's lymphoma
Lymphoscintigraphy (.12974)
Macrencephaly (.144)
Macrocystic adenoma (.31221)
Macrodontia (.144)
Macroglossia (.891)
Macrogyria (.144)
Madelung defonmity (.1491)
Maduromycosis (Madura foot) (.247)
Magnetic resonance (.1214)
Magnification technique (.1292)
gastroenterogenous osteomalacia (.5721)
and neutropenia associated with metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (.1536)
small bowel (.761)
Malakoplakia (.29)
Malaria (.2073)
Maldigestion, small bowel (.762)
Malignant calcification (.812)
Malignant dermal invasion (.835)
Malignant hypertension (.7232)
Malignant melanoma (.8332)
Mallory-Weiss syndrome (7.713) (9.712)
Malnutrition (.569)
Malrotation (7.146) (8.1437)
Malunion of fracture or dislocation (.431)
Mammary dysplasia (.72)
Mammary vessels (949.)
Mammogram, normal (.11)
Mammoplasty (.454)
Mandible (243.)
solitary cyst of (.3814)
Mandibulofacial dystosis (.1664)
Mannosidosis (.1825)
Maple syrup urine disease (.8735)
Marchiafava~Bignami syndrome (.8722)
Marfan syndrome (.1711) (.1971)
valvular incompetence (.842)
Marie-Strumpel disease (rhehmatoid spondylitis) (.8226)
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI) (.1815)
Marrow extinction disorders (.658)
Mass, ureteral (.844)
Mastitis, plasma cell (.815)
Mastocytosis (.69) (4.699)
Mastoid portion, temporal bone (214.)
Mastoiditis (.26)
abscess (.263)
infantile (.262)
normal development in children (.92),
poorly pneumatized (.262)
region pneumatized by (.131)
sequestrum (.263)
unusually large or extensive (.131)
Maxillary bone (241.)
Maxillary sinus (233.)
McCune-Albright syndrome (polyostotic fibrous dysplasia) (.852)
McKusick type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (.1536)
Measles (.2063)
Mechanical implant (.456)
Meckel diverticulum bleeding (.7181)
other vitelline duct anomaly (.1493)
Meconium aspiration (.782)
Meconium cyst (7.1449)
prenatal diagnosis (.8764)
Meconium ileus (.1441)
Meconium peritonitis (7.1442)
prenatal diagnosis (.8769)
Meconium plug syndrome (.1443)
Meconium syndromes (.144)
Medial meniscus (.4524)
Median arcuate ligament syndrome (.782)
Median cleft face (.1485)
Mediastinal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.8759)
Mediastinal abscess (.272)
Mediastinal bronchogenic cyst (.3156)
Mediastinal fat deposition from steroid administration (.512)
Mediastinal fibrosis (.273)
Mediastinal hematoma (.4128)
Mediastinal hemorrhage (.4128)
Mediastinal neoplasm (.315) (.337)
Mediastinal nodes or masses (.366)
Mediastinitis (.272)
Mediastinum (67.)
inflammation (.27)
Medication (.46)
nonopaque (.462)
opaque (.461)
Medulla oblongata (152.)
Medullary cystic disease (.3125)
Medullary sponge kidney (.3124)
Medullary stenosis (.1559)
Medulloblastoma (.3637) (1.)
Megacolon, functional (.791)
Megacystis-microcolon-intestjnal hypoperistalsis syndrome(.1445)
Megaloureter (8.)
Meigs syndrome (.769)
Melanoma (1.369) (2.371)
malignant (.8332)
Melanotic progonoma (.315)
Meliodosis (.2021)
Melorheostosis (.1554)
Membranous urethra (842.)
Menetrier disease (.292)
Meningeal branch
anterior, ophthalmic artery (1724.)
common and internal carotid artery (1729.)
external carotid artery (171.)
vertebral and basilar arteries (1759.)
Meningeal cyst or diverticulum (.3662)
Meningeal sarcoma (.366)
Meninges (139.)
laceration (.439)
Meningioma (1.366) (3.3661)
calcification, ossification in (.813)
Meningitis (1.251)
Meningocele (1.1462) (3.1452)
prenatal diagnosis (.8746)
Meningomyelocele (3.1452)
anterior or lateral (.1453)
prenatal diagnosis (.8746)
Meniscal cyst (.4854)
Meniscal degeneration (.4855)
Meniscal separation, peripheral (.4853)
Meniscal tear (.4852)
discoid (.1495)
lateral (4526.)
medial (4524.)
Meniscus injury (.48)
Menkes (kinky hair) syndrome (1.1172) (4.1726) (9.1973)
Menstrual changes (.53)
Mensuration technique (.123)
Mental retardation (.829)
Mercury poisoning (.581)
Mesencephalic veins, lateral and posterior (1773.)
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (.3212)
Mesenchymal neoplasm (.319) (8.318)
Mesenteric arteriography inferior mesenteric (.1246)
superior mesenteric (.1245)
Mesenteric artery
inferior (956.)
superior (955.)
Mesenteric cyst (.3121)
Mesenteric nodes (.369)
Mesenteric vascular insufficiency (.769)
retractile (.768)
Mesentery (792.)
Mesoblastic nephroma (.3142)
Mesomelic dwarfism (Nievergelt, Langer, Robinow) (.1529)
Mesothelioma (5.319) (6.317) (6.3254)
Metabolic disorder (.5)
Metabolism, interstitial calcification of metabolic origin (.814)
Metabolism study (.12173)
nuclear medicine, genitourinary (.12173)
Metacarpal bone (435.)
Metacarpophalangeal joint (437.)
Metachondromatosis (.1549)
Metal fume response to inhalation (.54)
Metallic fixation (.453)
Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (dysostosis) (.1536)
Metaphyseal dysplasia (.1556)
apocrine (.815)
myeloid (.657)
Metastasis (1.379)
to bronchus (.339)
calcified (.339)
ossified (.339)
Metastatic disease from
gastrointestinal system (.832)
genitourinary system (.831)
Metastatic neoplasm from
adjoining region (.3751)
distant side (.3752)
Metastatic neoplasm of bone - see Bone neoplasm, malignant, secondary
Metatarsal (465.)
Metatarsophalangeal joint (467.)
Metatarsus varus adductus (.1474)
Metatrophic dwarfism (.1526)
Meteorism (.781)
Methotrexate (4.64)
complication of (.6431)
Methysergide, complication of (.647)
Meyer dysplasia (.134)
Mica dusts (.779)
Micrencephaly (1.1421)
prenatal diagnosis (.8742)
Microatelectasis (.787)
Microcephaly, prenatal diagnosis (.8742)
Microcystic adenoma (.31221)
Microcystic kidney (.3122)
Microdontia (.142)
Microgastria, segmental dilatation of bowel (.1499)
Microgyria (.1421)
Microlithiasis, pulmonary alveolar (.813)
Microsomia, hemifacial (.1663)
Midaortic syndrome (.629)
Midbrain (146.)
Middle ear
alteration in tegmen tympani (.265)
opaque (.261)
Midface (24.)
Midline lethal granuloma (.622)
Midsystolic click syndrome (.1754)
Mikulicz syndrome (.695)
Miliary pneumonia (.2192)
Miliary tuberculosis (.235)
Milk-alkali syndrome (.813)
Milk allergy (.639)
Milk of calcium bile (.286)
Milk of calcium urine (.819)
MIroy disease (.8511)
Mima (.2029)
Minor salivary gland (2643.)
Mirror-image branching, right aortic arch (.1531)
Mitral stenosis
lung changes with (.713)
pulmonary calcification, ossification secondary to (.815)
Mitral valve annulus (534.)
cleft, with ostium primum (.1431)
myxomatous degeneration of (.842)
parachute (.1739)
ML - see Mucolipidosis
Mobile kidney (.133)
Molars, impacted third (.1451)
Molding (.1313)
hydatidiform (.3191)
partial, hydropic degeneration
placental abnormality (.8246)
Monilia (.2057)
Moniliasis (.2057)
Monostatic fibrous dysplasia (.851)
Morison pouch (7933.)
Morphological magnetic resonance imaging (.12141)
Morquio syndrome (MPS IV) (.1814)
Mortise, altered (.431)
Motion abnormality (.782)
Motion studies magnetic resonance (.12144)
magnetic resonance (9.12944)
special nonroutine projection (.1251)
Mouth (262.)
MP - see Mucopolysaccharidosis
Mucinous adenoma (.3171)
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (.3233)
Mucinous cystadenoma (.3171)
Mucinous cystic neoplasm (.31222)
Mucocele (2.255) (7.317)
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (.629)
aneurysm (.739)
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (.3113)
Mucoid impaction, bronchial asthma with (.7542)
Mucoid impaction syndrome (.265)
Mucolipidosis (.182)
Mucoperiosteum (.256)
Mucopolysaccharidosis (.181)
with carnitine deficiency (.1933)
Mucormycosis (.2059)
Mucosa, thickened (.251)
Mullerian duct cyst (.1493)
Multi-infarct dementia (.837)
Multicystic fibrosis (.226)
Multicystic kidney (.1442)
prenatal diagnosis (.8775)
Multilocular cyst (.3113)
Multilocular cystic dysplasia (.3129)
Multilocular ovarian cyst (.31172)
Multiple fracture (.418)
Multiple malformation syndromes, congenital cortical cysts with (.3126)
Multiple sclerosis (.871)
Mural dissection, complication of catheterization or angiography (.444)
Muscle disorder (.83)
Muscle flap (.4545)
Muscular artery, of spine and spinal cord (379.)
Muscular dystrophy (.831)
Mushroom-worker's lung (.559)
Mycobacterium (.203)
anonymous (atypical) (.2031)
leprae (leprosy) (.2032)
Mycoplasma (.206)
pneumoniae (6.2061)
Mycosis fungoides (.8346)
Mycotic aneurysm (.733)
Myelitis (.249)
Myelofibrosis, idiopathic (.6572)
Myelography (3.122)
complication of (.44)
radionuclide (.12174)
Myeloid metaplasia (myelosclerosis) (.657)
Myeloma (.34)
Myeloproliferative disorders (.657)
Myelosclerosis (.657)
Myelosuppression, drug-induced (.6582)
Myleran, complication of (.6432)
Myoblastoma (1.379)
granular cell (.3192)
Myocardial anomaly (.193)
Myocardial biopsy (.1261)
Myocardial infarct imaging (.12172)
Myocardial infarction, and gastrointestinal ischemia (.761)
Myocardial ischemia or infarction of the newborn, transient (.1939)
Myocardial perfusion imaging (.12171)
Myocardial rupture (.776)
Myocardial rupture or tear (.41)
Myocardial sinusoids (.1937)
Myocardiopathy (.86)
Myocarditis (5.21)
congenital (.1932)
Myocardium (511.)
anomaly in systemic vessel supplying (.185)
Myoma (.3193)
Myositis (.241)
Myxoma (.369) (5.311)
Myxomatous degeneration of
mitral valve (.842)
valve leaflet (.1754)
Nail-patella syndrome (.1623)
Narcotic abuse (.219)
Narcotic complications (.644)
Narrowing of disk space (.781)
Nasal bone (261.)
Nasopalatine canal (.136)
Nasopharynx (263.)
Navicular bone (4643.)
Necator americanus (.2081)
Neck (2.)
arteries and veins (90.)
neoplasm (.8334)
cortical (.654)
post-traumatic (.44)
renal tubular, post-operative complication of renal transplant (.4553)
renal tubular (.655)
Necrotizing enterocolitis (.267)
Needle biopsy (.459)
of pleura (.1261)
Negative contrast, myelography
gas (.1223)
with tomography (.1224)
Neimann-Pick disease (.672)
Neisseria (.2029)
Neonatal progeroid syndrome (.1721)
Neonatal respiratory abnormality (.78)
Neoplasm (.3)
malignant, secondary (metastatic)
abdominal mass seen on plain film (.38)
adrenal (.5411)
arising in preexisting benign disorder (.35)
associated with AIDS (.329)
benign (.31)
benign, bleeding (.7151)
benign, nerve tissue origin (.315)
benign, soft tissue (.36)
benign neurogenic (.316)
calcification in (2.816) (3.813) (4.817) (6.812) (8.814)
cavitated (6.334) (6.3224)
congenital, resection of (.4542)
dental (.38)
extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.36)
intra-abdominal calcification, calculus and (.814)
intracranial, secondary (metastatic) (.38)
intrasellar (.37)
intraspinal, secondary (metastatic) (.37)
invasion from adjacent lesion (.336)
invasion or erosion from paraspinal lesion (.38)
lymphadenopathy due to (.743)
lymphatic system (.83)
lymphedema secondary to (.8523)
malignant, primary (.32)
associated with AIDS (.329)
carcinoma - appearance (.322)
carcinoma - secondary effects (.323)
carcinoma - type (.321)
malignant, secondary (metastatic), invasion from adjacent lesion (.336)
mesenchymal (.319)
metastatic in soft tissue (.39)
pneumonitis or abscess distal to (.3233)
in preexisting benign disorder (.35)
recurrent (.39)
recurrent (.389)
resection of (.4542)
Neoplastic-like condition (.3)
benign (.31)
intracranial neoplasm-primary (.36)
intrasellar neoplasm (.37)
intraspinal, primary (.36)
of lymphatic system (.83)
Nephritis (5.698) (6.697)
Nephrocalcinosis (8.53) (8.812)
shock (.652)
with Tamm-Horsfall proteinuria (.657)
Nephroma, mesoblastic (.3142)
carbon tetrachloride (.584)
lead (.581)
mercury (.581)
toxic (.584)
Nephrosclerosis (.7231)
Nephrosis (.698)
hypoproteinemia and (.763)
Nephrostomy, cutaneous stoma (.454)
Nephrotic syndrome (.698)
Nephrotomography (.1212)
Nerve root
anomaly (.148)
avulsion of (.492)
root sheath cyst (.1484)
root sheath segmentation anomaly (.1485)
Nerve tissue, benign neoplasm origin (.315)
Neural arch, tuberculous involvement (.232) (.3)
Neurenteric cyst (.1443)
Neurilemmoma (1.3641) (4.364) (6.3161)
Neurinoma (.3641)
Neuroblastoma (6.3251) (8.325) (9.8319)
Neurocutaneous disorder (.147)
Neurocutaneous syndrome (.183)
Neurofibroma (.364) (1.3641) (6.3161) (7.3133)
associated with localized "gigantism" (.1444)
Neurofibromatosis (.1831) (6.1472) (8.18) (9.1976)
Neurogenic, neurovascular, paralytic bone/joint disorder (.82)
Neurogenic bladder abnormality (.831)
Neurogenic bone and/or joint disorder (.82)
Neurogenic pulmonary edema (.7112)
Neurolemmoma (.364)
Neurological fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.874)
Neuropathic skeletal disorder (.821)
Neuropathy, optical (.892)
Neurosarcoma (.325)
Neurosyphilis (.821)
Neurotrophic skeletal disorder (.822)
Neutropenia, and malabsorption associated with metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (.1536)
Neutrophil dysfunction (.214)
Nevus (0.732)
associated with vertebral anomaly (.1455)
Newborns, physiological osteosclerosis of (.133)
Niemann-Pick disease (.67) (.672)
Nipple (05.)
Nitrofurantoin, complication of (.6411)
Nitrogen dioxide toxicity (.521)
Nocardia (.2014)
Nocardiosis (.2055)
Nodes and parenchymal disease (.223)
Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (.3114)
Nodular lymphoma (.3432)
Nodule, cavitated (.6112)
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (.343) (8.343) (9.8343)
lymphocytic, well differentiated (.3431)
Nonossifying fibroma (.3131)
Nonpenetrating thoracic trauma (.412)
Nonrotation (.1437)
Nonunion of fracture or dislocation (.432)
Noonan syndrome (4.1642) (5.1964)
Normal mammogram (.11)
Normal routine plain film (.11)
Normal variant (.13)
lymphatic system (.81)
North American blastomycosis (.2051)
Nose (261.)
Nuclear medicine study (.1216)
cardiac (.1217)
central nervous system (.1217)
CV system (.1297)
gastrointestinal (.1217)
genitourinary (.1217)
lung, mediastanum, pleura (.1217)
musculoskeletal (.1217)
neck (.1217)
spine (.1217)
Nutritional hypoproteinemia (.763)
Nutritional myocardiopathy (.864)
Oat cell carcinoma (.3213)
Obesity (4.837)
pulmonary hypertension with (.787)
Observation, fundamental (.91)
Obstetrical abnormality (.82)
Obstruction (8.145)
esophageal (.74)
gastrointestinal, prenatal diagnosis (.876)
large bowel
typical manifestation (.725)
unusual manifestation (.726)
lymphatic, postoperative (.843)
small bowel
typical manifestation (.723)
unusual manifestation (.724)
ureteral, intrinsic (.843)
urethral, prenatal diagnosis (.8781)
urinary tract (.84)
Obstructive emphysema (.3231)
Occipital bone, base of (127.)
Occipital condyle (127.)
Occipital horn (1615.)
Occipital lobe (133.)
Occipital squamosa (113.)
Occipital vertebra (.1474)
Occiput posterior presentation (.8221)
Occlusion (9.411)
arterial (.2582)
atherosclerotic stenosis and (.721)
vascular (.4312)
venous (.2583)
Ochronosis (.595)
Ocular effects (.522)
Oculo-dento-osseous dysplasia (.1557)
Oculodentodigital syndrome (.1557)
Oculomandibulofacial syndrome (.1661)
Odontogenic cyst (.3811)
Odontoid process (311.)
Odontoma (.384)
Old fractur - see Healed fracture
Oleothorax (.459)
Olfactory bulb and tract (1313.)
Olfactory groove (121.)
Oligemia, pulmonary (.918)
Oligodendroglioma (.3635)
Oligohydramnios (.8266)
Oligopontine cerebellar degeneration (.883)
Oliguria, acute (.765)
Omental bursa (7935.)
Omental cyst (.3121)
Omphalocele gastroschisis (.1495)
prenatal diagnosis (.8761)
Opacification, total body (.91)
Opaque sinus (.251)
Operative cholangiography (.1224)
Operative defect, dental root canal filling with (.4835)
Operative procedure, biopsy (.1267)
Operative venography (.1243)
Opportunistic infection (.217)
with myeloproliferative or lymphoproliferative disorder (.2171)
related to immunosuppressive drugs (.2173)
related to steroid therapy (.2172)
Ophthalmic artery (1724.)
Optic canal (222.) (1241.)
Optic chiasm (144.)
Optic nerve (144.)
Optic recess (1621.)
Oral cholecystography (.1221)
Orbit (22.)
Orbital fissure
superior (124.)
superior (225.)
Orbital venography (.123)
Orbitography (.1293)
Organ resection, partial or total (.451)
Organic renal disease (.5722)
Ornithosis (.2067)
Oro-pharyngeal function study (.123)
Orofacialdigital syndrome (.1631)
Oropharynx (262.)
Os centrale (.1442)
Os odontoideum (.1476)
Osgood-Schlatter disease (.449)
Ossicle (2121.)
alteration (.267)
Ossiculum terminale (.1471)
Ossification (.81)
accessory center of (3.139) (4.131)
inflammatory or granulomatous (.814)
irregular (.134)
sacrotuberous ligament (.811)
vascular (.815)
Ossifying fibroma (.3139)
pubic (.29)
unknown etiology (.862)
Osteitis condensans illi (.863)
Osteoarthritis, erosive (.772)
Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic (.861)
Osteoblastic malignant neoplasm of bone (.332)
secondary (metastatic) (1.332) (3.331) (3.333)
Osteoblastoma (.3123)
Osteocartilaginous exostosis (2.311) (3.3113)
Osteochondritis (.44)
lethal in neonate (.151)
manifest in later life (.153)
manifest in neonate (.152)
Osteochondroma (.3113)
Osteochondromatosis (4.365) (4.782)
Osteochondrosis (.44)
Osteodysplasty (Melnick Needle syndrome) (.1559)
Albright hereditary (.534)
renal (.57)
Osteogenesis imperfecta (.1551)
prenatal diagnosis (.8733)
Osteoid osteoma (.3122)
Osteolysis, idiopathic (.186)
Osteolytic malignant neoplasm
of bone (.331)
secondary (metastatic) (1.331) (3.331) (3.333)
Osteoma (.3121) (2.312)
osteoid (.3122)
Osteomalacia (.57)
atypical axial (.5729)
plus secondary hyperparathyroidism (.573)
dietary (.571)
other causes (.572)
Osteomesopycnosis (.1559)
Osteomyelitis (.21)
cystic (.213)
Osteopathia striata (.1554)
Osteopetrosis (.1552)
Osteopoikilosis (.1554)
Osteoporosis (.56)
postmenopausal (.562)
Osteosarcoma (.322) (.3221) (4.375)
parosteal (.3222)
Osteosclerosis (2.87) (4.5322)
physiological, of newborns (2.133) (4.1331)
Osteotomy (.451)
atresia, in right atrium (5.1861) (5.1862)
stenosis (.1863)
Ostium primum, with cleft mitral valve (.1431)
Ostium secundum (.1412)
Otic artery (.1363)
Oto-palato-digital syndrome (.1633)
Otorrhea, cerebrospinal (.423)
Otoscierosis (.87)
Oval window (2124.)
Ovarian cyst (.3117)
Ovarian teratoma (.313)
Ovarian vein syndrome (.755)
Ovary (852.)
metastatic disease (.8313)
polycystic (.3129)
Ovum, blighted (.8251)
Oxalosis (.812)
Oxygen toxicity (.783)
Pacchionian bodies, calcification of (.1345)
Pachydermoperiostosis (.1559)
Pacing electrode
complication of (.43)
postoperative trauma from (.456)
Pacing electrode insertion (.128)
"Page kidney' (.763)
Paget disease (.353) (.84) (0.3242)
Pain, congenital indifference to (.821)
Palate (262.)
Palsy, vocal chord (.829)
Pancake kidney (.1423)
Pancoast tumor (.3222)
Pancreas (770.)
dilated pancreatic duct (.921)
ectopic (.314)
extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.364)
genitourinary structure arising in (.364)
intra-abdominal calcification, calculus (.814)
metastatic disease (.8324)
pancreatic insufficiency (.7622)
papillary and cystic neoplasm of (.3124)
Pancreas divisum (.1491)
Pancreatic ducts (774.)
Pancreatic insufficiency (.7622)
Pancreaticoduodenal arcades (952.)
Pancreatitis (7.291) (9.29)
Panencephalomyelitis, acute (.8721)
Papilla, ampulla of Vater (767.)
Papilia of Vater ("papillary" sign) (.294)
Papillary adenoma (.3174)
Papillary and cystic neoplasm of pancreas (.3124)
Papillary cystadenocarcinoma (.3231)
Papillary cystadenoma (.3174)
Papillary (intracystic) adenocarcinoma (.325)
Papillary muscle (513.)
anomalous (.1755)
dysfunction or rupture (.774) (.843)
tear (.41)
Papilloma (2.369) (6.319)
intraductal (.312)
malignant (8.321)
Papiliomatosis (2.369) (6.319)
breast (.724) (.815)
Para-aminosalicylic acid, complication of (.6413)
Para-aortic nodes, abdominal (993.)
Parachute mitral valve (.1739)
Paracolic gutter (7941.)
Paraduodenal hernia, foramen of Winslow (.158)
Paraesophageal hernia (.1522)
Paraganglioma (.3163)
nonchromaffin (.3642)
Paraganglionic neoplasm (.3163)
Paragonimus westermani (.2085)
Paralysis (.829)
Paralytic bone and/or joint disorder (.82)
Paralyzed diaphragm (.3236)
Paranasal sinus (23.)
aplasia of (.132)
hypoplasia of (.132)
region pneumatized by (.131)
unusually large or extensive (.131)
Paranephric cyst (.3116)
Parapelvic cyst (.3114)
Paraplegic, calcification in (.819)
Parasite (4.215) (4.819) (9.824)
osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
Parasitic colitis (.265)
Parasitic enteritis (.265)
Parastremmatic dwarfism (.1539)
Parathyroid (274.)
Parathyroid adenoma (.3159)
Parathyroid disorder (.53)
Parathyroid imaging (.12175)
Paravertebral soft tissues cervical spine (319.)
coccyx (339.)
lumbosacral spine (339.)
thoracic spine (329.)
Parenchymal disease (.223)
Parenchymal infiltrate (.6122)
Parenchymal mass malignant neoplasm, secondary (.332)
postoperative scar (.4534)
Parenchymal sarcoid (.222)
Parietal arteries (1745.)
Parietal bone (112.)
Parietal foramen (.1338)
Parietal lobe (132.)
Parietal pericardial deficiency (.1941)
Parietal thinning (.1326)
Parietography (.1297)
Parkinson disease (.881)
Parosteal chondroma (.3115)
Parosteal osteosarcoma (.3222)
Parosteal (periosteal) desmoid (.434)
Parotid salivary gland (2641.)
PA - see Para-aminosalicylic acid
Pasteurella (.2027)
Patchy atelectasis (.7223)
Patella (453.)
bipartite (131)
Patellar tendon (4528.)
Patent ductus (.14)
Patent ductus arteriosus (.146)
catheter closure of (.1268)
catheter or drug closure of (.4529)
Patent foramen ovale (.1411)
Pathological fracture (.416)
Pectoral muscle, absent (4.141) (6.1495)
Pectus carinatum (.1497)
Pectus excavatum (4.1496) (5.8741)
Pedal lymphangiography
filling of supraclavicular, cervical or axillary nodes from (.812)
filling of thoracic nodes from (.811)
cervical spine (312.)
coccyx (332.)
lumbosacral spine (332.)
thoracic spine (322.)
Pedunculated leiomyoma itibroid) (.315)
with calcification (.3153)
Peg lateral incisor (.1461)
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (.8739)
Pellegrini-Stieda tendinitis (.253)
Pelvic angiography (.1247)
Pelvic contour abnormality (.828)
Pelvic extrapertioneal space (875.)
Pelvic inflammatory disease (.217)
Pelvic kidney (.1435)
Pelvic lipomatosis (.895)
Pelvic mass, retroperitoneal, on plain film (.37)
Pelvic nodes (992.)
Pelvic pneumography (.127)
Pelvic structures (8.)
Pelvimetry (.1281)
Pelvis (44.) (813.)
arteries and veins (98.)
Pemphigus (.699)
Penetrating injury (.411)
Penile angiography (.1249)
Penis, metastatic disease (.8317)
Peptic ulcer benign (.713)
perforated (.712)
Percutaneous cholangiography (.1226)
Perforated peptic ulcer (.712)
Perforated valve leaflet (.1752)
Perforating vessel, incompetent (.753)
of hollow viscus without free air (.713)
by instrumentation (.715)
transmural (.446)
Perfusion (cortical), diffuse decrease in (.764)
Periapical disease (.273)
Periarteritis nodosa (.621)
Periarticular soft tissue inflammation (.25)
Pericallosal artery (1733.)
Pericapsular fibrosis ("Page kidney")(.763)
Pericardial anomaly (.194)
Pericardial (celomic) cyst (.3152)
Pericardial deficiency, parietal (.1941)
Pericardial disease (.82)
Pericardial effusion (.821)
Pericardial fat pad
bilateral (.1333)
left (.1331)
right (.1332)
Pericardial sac (55.)
Pericardial tear (.41)
Pericarditis (constrictive), adhesive (.824)
Pericardium (55.)
Pericolic adhesions (.293)
Peridontal fibroma (.313)
Perigastric adhesions (.293)
Perinepliric fluid collection, postoperative complication of renal transplant (.4556)
Perinephric hematoma (.4133)
Periodontal disease (.272)
Periorbital fat (2247.)
Periosteal reaction associated with vascular' insufficiency (.29)
of infancy (.138)
Periostitis (.64)
traumatic (.4194)
unknown etiology (.862)
Peripelvic cyst (pyelogenic cyst) (.3115)
Peripheral nerve neoplasm (.3161)
Perirenal air insufflation (.127)
Perirenal space (872.)
Peristaltic activity (.91)
Peritoneal cavity (791.)
Peritoneography (.1297)
Peritonitis (.295)
meconium, prenatal diagnosis (.8769)
Pernicious anemia (.655)
Peroneal artery (927.)
Perthes disease (.443)
Pertussis (.2069)
Pes cavus (.1471)
PET (.12163) (9.12963)
Petroclinoid ligament (139.)
calcification of (.1347)
Petrosal veins (1775.)
Petrous bone (126.)
Petrous portion, inner ear (213.)
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (7.3114) (9.7161)
Peyronie disease (.29)
Phacomatosis - see Neurocutaneous syndrome (.183)
Phalanx (436.) (466.)
Phantom tumor due to intrapleural fluid (.3185)
Pharmacological adjunct (.127)
Pharmacological agents use in biliary system (.1229)
colon (.1289)
upper CI series (.1239)
Pharyngeal diverticulum (.272)
Phacyngoesophageal sphincter (.711)
Phenomena related to technique of examination (.99)
Phenylketonuria (.596)
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
calvarial thickening from (.64)
complication of (.645)
Phenytoin (Dilantin) therapy (.5729)
Pheochromocytoma (6.3163) (8.328)
Phlebitis (.2584)
postphlebitic change (.754)
Phlebolith (.812)
Phocomelia (.141)
Phonation disorder (.825)
Phosgene gas, response to inhalation of (.523)
Phrenic artery, inferior (953.)
Phrenic nerve crush or section (.455)
Phrygian cap or other variation of gallbladder configuration (.137)
Pick disease (.83)
PIE syndrome (.632)
Pierre Robin anomaly (.1665)
Pigeon-breeder disease (.635)
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (.784)
Pineal body, calcification of (.1346)
Pineal gland
calcification of (.1346)
displacement of (.912)
origin, neoplasm of (.3621)
Pinealoma (.3621)
Pinna (2111.)
Piriform sinus (272.)
Pisiform bone (4330.)
Pittsburgh pneumonia agent (.2028)
Pituitary adenoma functioning (.372)
nonfunctioning (.371)
Pituitary disorder (.51)
Pituitary dwarfism (.513)
Pituitary gland (145.)
Pituitary stalk (145.)
Placenta (857.)
special study of (.128)
Placenta praevia (.8241)
Placental abnormality (.824)
Placental calcification (.1394) (.8243)
Placental cysts (.8243)
Placental "migration" (.8244)
Placental transfusion (.7133)
Placentography (.1285)
Plagiocephaly (.1439)
Plague (.2027)
Planar scintigraphy (.12161) (9.12961)
Planum sphenoidale (123.)
Plaque, ulcerated (.7215)
Plasma cell granuloma (.3183)
Plasma cell mastitis
calcification (.814)
duct disease (.712)
Plasmacytoma (.345), (.3451)
Plasmodia (.2073)
Platypelloid pelvic contour (.8281)
Pleonosteosis (.1625)
Pleura (66.)
calcified (.766)
Pleural effusion (.234) (.6111) (.6121)
Pleural neoplasm (.317) (.334)
Pleural reaction (.7222)
and pulmonary infiltrate following thoracotomy (.693)
Pleural thickening (.76)
acute, without effusion (.765)
lupus erythematosus (.6121)
rheumatoid disease (.6111)
tuberculous (.234)
Pleurodiaphragmatic adhesion (.224)
Plombage (.459)
Pneomucephalus, traumatic (.424)
Pneumatocele (.3122)
Pneumatosis, retroperitoneal (.898)
Pneumatosis intestinalis (.782)
Pneumococcus (.2011)
coal worker (.772)
tuberculosis associated with (.2373)
Pneumocystis carinil (.2075)
Pneumocystography (.127)
bronchial asthma with (.7541)
diagnostic (.1297)
traumatic or spontaneous (.735)
Pneumonectomy (.452)
Pneumonia (.21)
allergic, bronchial asthma with (.7543)
aspiration (.214)
cholesterol, lipid (.253)
chronic (unresolved) (.2182)
congenital (.786)
eosinophilic (.632)
giant cell (.2063)
hydrocarbon (.56)
interstitial (.213)
desquamative (.793)
giant cell (.795)
lobar (.211)
miliary (.2192)
mycoplasma (.2061)
primary atypical (.2061)
recurrent (.2181)
bronchial asthma with (.7544)
rheumatic fever (.694)
round (.2193)
suppurative (.215)
tuberculous lobar (.2323)
radiation (.47)
traumatic (.4126)
Pneumopericardium, traumatic or other (.823)
from pneumomediastinum (.716)
postoperative (.459)
spontaneous (.712)
without perforated viscus or etiology unknown (.714)
traumatic, with or without perforated viscus (.711)
diagnostic (.1297)
secondary to lung disease (.734)
spontaneous (.225) (.731)
tension (.733)
traumatic (.732)
Poisoning (.58)
radium (.47)
Poland syndrome (pectoral dysplasiadysdactyly) (.1621)
Polyarteritis nodosa (.621) (2.62)
Polychondritis, relapsing (4.787) (5.1974)
Polycystic disease (7.3129) (8.312)
Polycystic kidney
adult, prenatal diagnosis (.8773)
dominantly inherited form (adult form) (.3121)
infantile, prenatal diagnosis (.8774)
recessively inherited form (infantile form) (.3122)
Polycystic ovary (.3129)
Polycythemia (.659)
Polycythemia vera (.6571)
Polydactyly (.1441)
short rib (.1514)
Polyhydramnios (.8265)
Polymyositis (.614)
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (.852)
Polyp (7.311) (8.3199)
bleeding (.7151)
Polyposis (.3114)
Polysplenia (.1653)
Polysyndactyly (.1441)
Pons (151.)
Pontomesencephalic veins, anterior (1772.)
Popliteal artery (924.)
Popliteal vein (934.)
Poppet dysfunction (.845)
atrophy (.835)
congenital or developmental (.1423)
prenatal diagnosis (.87442)
trauma (.4371)
Portal-systemic shunt (.453)
Portal vein (957.)
Portography, arterial method (.1242)
Positive contrast (7.1297)
cisternography (.1225)
encephalography (.1222)
not water-soluble (.1221)
water-soluble (.1222)
ventriculography (.1224)
Post-surgical scar (.831)
Post-traumatic atelectasis (.4126)
Post-traumatic atrophy (.437)
Post-traumatic changes (.49)
Post-traumatic degenerative joint disorder (.779)
Post-traumatic necrosis (.44)
ischemic (aseptic) necrosis, Kummel disease (.497)
Postcardiotomy syndrome (.693)
Postdislocation deformity (.42)
Posterior pararenal space (873.)
Posterior radicular medullary artery (375.)
Posterolateral spinal artery (372.)
Postinflammatory pseudotumor (.3181)
Postinflammatory stenosis or atresia (.297)
radical (.452)
simple (.451)
Posimature placenta (.8243)
Postmeniscectomy (.4856)
Postmenopausal change (.52)
Postruenopausal osteoporosis (.562)
Postruyocardial infarction syndrome (.85)
Postoperative cholangiography (.1225)
Postoperative effect of trauma (.45)
Postoperative osteomyelitis (.216)
Postparalytic change, secondary to neurological disorder (.829)
Postpericardiotomy syndrome (5.85) (6.769)
Postural change (.491)
Postural flattening (.1314) (.1315)
Precocious dentition (.552)
Pregnancy (.131)
with abnormality of uterus or fetal membranes (.826)
ectopic (.823)
Prematurity (.136)
Prenatal diagnosis of fetal abnormality (.87)
Prerenal azotemia (.653)
Presacral or direct retroperitoneal pneumography (.127)
Presacral teratoma (.313)
Presentation, abnormal (.822)
Primary atypical pneumonia (.2061)
Primary disturbance of growth (.17)
Primary lymphoma of bone (reticulum cell sarcoma) (.3282)
Primary root, physiologically retained (.864)
Primary tooth, retained (.863)
Prior radiation therapy (.836)
Procainamide, complication of (.6461)
Progeria (1.172) (4.1721)
Prognathism (.144)
Progressive systemic sclerosis (.613)
with Raynaud phenomenon (.6131)
with renal cortical necrosis (.6132)
gastric, ileal (.133)
rectal (.159)
valvular (.175)
Prolapsed valve (.1739)
Prominent ileocecal valve, fat infiltration of valve (.135)
Prominent mucosal fold (.138)
Pronestyl, complication of (.6461)
Prostaglandin (periostitis) (.64)
Prostate (844.)
metastatic disease (.8317)
obstruction or dilatation (.846)
Prostatic hyperplasia (.316)
Prostatic urethra (841.)
Prostatitis (.214)
Prosthesis (.454)
postoperative trauma (.456)
Prosthetic valve
abnormal motion of cage or poppet of (.883)
encroachment by (.835)
Proteinosis, pulmonary alveolar (.791)
Proteinuria (Tamm-Horsfall), stasis nephrogram with (.657)
Proteus species (.2024)
Protozoa (.207)
Protrusio acetabuli (.786)
"Prune belly" (.1444)
prenatal diagnosis (.8782)
Pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy (ML III) (.1823)
Pseudoachondroplastic dysplasia (.1531)
Pseudoaneurysm (1.4315) (4.494)
Pseudoarthrosis (.432)
Pseudocoarctation (.1513)
Pseudocyst (.3123)
Pseudofracture (.4199)
Pseudogout (.761)
Pseudohermaphroditism female, nonadrenal (.1474)
male (.1473)
Pseudohypoparathyroidism (.534)
Pseudolymphoma (6.3182) (7.3197)
Pseudomembranous colitis, acute (.263)
Pseudomembranous enteritis, acute (.263)
Pseudomonas (.2021)
Pseudomucinous adenoma (.3173)
Pseudomucinous cystadenoma (.3173)
Pseudomyxoma peritonei (.3196)
Pseudoneurogenic (Hinmann) bladder (.82)
Pseudopolyp, sinus (.254)
Pseudotruncus (.1453)
Pseudotumor (2.365) (4.6563) (6.318) (7.3197)
acquired, of urinary tract (.891) (.8)
cerebri (.368)
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (.1975) (7.615)
Psittacosis (.2067)
Psoas impression (.1396)
with changes of classical rheumatoid arthritis (.723)
with features of psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis (.722)
Psoriatic arthritis (.72)
with lymph node inflammation (.8227)
Psychosocial dwarfism (.519)
Pterion, superior orbital (124.)
Pterygium syndrome (4.1499)
popliteal (.1612)
Pterygoid plate (124.)
Pterygoid process (124.)
Ptosis (.133)
Pubis (4413.)
Pulmonary adenomatoid malformation (.146)
Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (.813)
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (.791)
Pulmonary aplasia, prenatal diagnosis (.8755)
Pulmonary arteriography (.1241)
Pulmonary artery (564.) (944.)
absence of (.1554)
absence of proximal (.1556)
absent (.142)
anomaly (.155)
aortic origin of right or left (.1553)
arises from ascending aorta (.1641)
compressing right bronchus (.7523)
coronary artery fistula communicating with (.1843)
hypoplastic (.142)
idiopathic dilation (.1551)
embolization without infarction (.7212)
thrombosis (.723)
origin of left from right (.1543)
peripheral, stenosis (.1552)
unilateral hypoplasia (.1554)
Pulmonary aspiration, detection (.12176)
Pulmonary atresia
with corrected transposition of great arteries (.163)
(pseudotruncus), with tetralogy of Fallot (.1453)
Pulmonary calcification
secondary to mitral stenosis (.815)
secondary to renal disease (.816)
Pulmonary cavity (.282)
Pulmonary collapse (.74)
Pulmonary contusion (.4122)
Pulmonary edema noncardiac (.711)
post-traumatic (.4121)
Pulmonary embolization without infarction (.721)
Pulmonary embolus, hypertension with (.783)
Pulmonary emphysema (.751)
Pulmonary eosinophilia, tropical (.633)
Pulmonary gangrene (.215)
Pulmonary hematoma (.4124)
Pulmonary hemosiderosis, idiopathic (.692)
Pulmonary hilar and paratracheal nodes (996.)
Pulmonary hypertension (.78)
Pulmonary infarction (.722)
Pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia (.632)
Pulmonary infundibulum (532.)
Pulmonary laceration (.4124)
Pulmonary nodule (.281)
multiple (.333)
solitary (.332)
Pulmonary oligemia (.918)
Pulmonary ossification
secondary to mitral stenosis (.815)
secondary to renal disease (.816)
Pulmonary sling (5.1543)
aberrant left pulmonary artery compressing right bronchus (.7523)
Pulmonary stenosis
with complete transposition of great arteries (.161)
with corrected transposition of great arteries (.163)
malposition of great arteries with (.1442)
normally related great arteries with (.1444)
with subaortic ventricular septal defect (.1621)
Pulmonary valve (533.)
absent, with tetralogy of Fallot (.1459)
Pulmonary vascular malformation (.1494)
Pulmonary vasculitis (.6123)
Pulmonary vein (565.) (945.)
stenosis (.1562)
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease,
pulmonary hypertension with (.788)
Pulmonary venous anomaly, with "normal" drainage (.156)
Pulmonary venous connection
partial anomalous (.158)
total anomalous (.157)
Pulmonic shunt, postoperative palliation of congenital heart disease (.4511)
Pulp, calcified (.818)
Pulp exposure (.2713)
Pulp stone (.1342)
dental normal variant (.134)
Pulpotomy (.484)
Pulsion diverticulum (.272)
Pyelitis (.214)
Pyelitis cystica (.215)
Pyelogenic cyst (.3115)
Pyelography (.122)
Pyelonephritis (8.212) (9.25)
chronic (.5722)
Pyknodysostosis (.1553)
Pyle disease (.1556)
Pyloroplasty (.455)
Pyogenic cholangitis, recurrent (.289)
Pyometra (.2173)
Pyonephrosis (.213)
Pyopericardium (.821)
Pyopneumopericardium, traumatic or other (.823)
Pyorrhea (.272)
Pyosalpinx (.2173)
Pyriform sinus fistula (A479)
Quantitative tissue characterization
magnetic resonance (.12146)
magnetic resonance (9.12946)
Rachitic pelvic contour (.8284)
Radial scar (.725)
effect of (.47)
lymphedema secondary to (.8524)
source trauma (.452)
Radiation fibrosis (6.47) (9.844)
Radiation implant (.452)
Radiation pneumonitis (.47)
Radicular cyst (.2731)
Radicular medullary artery, anterior (.374)
Radionuclide angiography (.12971) (5.12975)
Radionuclide cystography (.12177)
Radionuclide dacrocystography (.12179)
Radionuclide myelography (.12174)
Radionuclide venography (.12973)
Radiopaque dusts (.779)
Radiopharmaceutical imaging inflammation-avid (.12165)
receptor-avid (.12178) (9.12967)
tumor-avid (.12166)
Radio-ulnar joint (425.)
Radium poisoning (.47)
distal end (431.)
proximal end (424.)
shaft (427.)
Raynaud phenomenon, with progressive systemic sclerosis (.6131)
Reactive hyperplasia (.826)
Recanalization, cavernous transformation (.752)
Rectosigmoid colon (756.)
Rectum (757.)
metastatic disease (.8321)
Recurrent neoplasm (2.389)
other than dental (.39)
Recurrent pneumonia (.2181)
Reduced pulmonary compliance (.919)
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (.565)
from bladder (.85)
to gastrointestinal system (.85)
Refracture (.4199)
Regenerating nodule (.3198)
Regional brain metabolism imaging (.12173)
Regional brain perfusion imaging (.12172)
Regional enteritis (.262), p.68 Reiter syndrome (.73)
Relapsing polychondritis (.787)
magnetic resonance (.12146)
magnetic resonance (9.12946)
Renal agenesis, prenatal diagnosis (.8779)
Renal artery (961.)
anomalous origin of (.1431)
interlobar (963.)
Renal artery stenosis (.4557)
Renal backflow (.132)
Renal cell carcinoma (.324)
Renal cortex imaging (.12171)
Renal cortical necrosis, with progressive systemic sclerosis (.6132)
Renal disease, pulmonary calcification, ossification secondary to (.816)
Renal ectopia, crossed (.1422)
Renal enlargement of undetermined etiology (.896)
Renal failure with acquired cystic disease (.3118)
Renal fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.877)
Renal hypoplasia, prenatal diagnosis (.8779)
Renal imaging (.12172)
with pharmacologic intervention (.12174)
Renal osteodystrophy (.57)
Renal papillitis (papillary, medullary necrosis) (.216)
Renal parenchyma (811.)
Renal pelvis, high insertion of ureter into (.1431)
Renal sinus (814.)
Renal sinus lipomatosis (.894)
Renal size abnormality (.892)
Renal transplant
postoperative complication of (.455)
rejection (.4552)
satisfactory transplant (.4551)
Renal tubular block, from sulfa crystals (.64)
Renal tubular dysfunction (.5723)
Renal tubular ectasia with hepatic fibrosis (.3122)
Renal tubular necrosis (.655)
Renal tumor, prenatal diagnosis (.8776)
Renal vein thrombosis (.751)
Renal veins (966.)
circumaortic (.134)
Renovascular hypertension (.72)
pyelography for (.1224)
Resection of organ, postoperative, partial or total (.451)
Residual urine (.834)
Resorption, tooth (.862)
Respiratory distress syndrome (.781)
Respiratory syncytial virus (.2069)
Retained primary root, physiologically (.864)
Retained primary tooth (.863)
Retained products of conception (.8255)
Retained root fragment (.865)
Retarded dental age, delayed dentition (.551)
Reticulum cell sarcoma-see Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Retina (2245.)
Retinal detachment (.892)
Retinoblastoma (.372)
Retrocaval ureter (.1439)
Retrofascial extraperitoneal space (87.)
Retrograde or reflux study, small intestine (.1275)
Retrograde pyelography (.1222)
Retrograde urethrography
female (.1235)
male (.1234)
Retrolental fibroplasia (.818)
Retrolisthesis (reverse spondylolisthesis) (.4239)
Retroperitoneal fibrosis (8.893) (9.827)
Retroperitoneal hematoma (.4134)
Retroperitoneal mass, on plain film (.37)
Retroperitoneal pneumatosis (.898)
Retroperitoneal soft tissues (.369),
Retroperitoneal structures (8.)
Retroperitoneal vascular calcification (.813)
Retroperitoneum, arteries and veins (98.)
Retropharyngeal abscess (.242)
Reverse spondylolisthesis (.4239)
Rhabdomyoma (.316)
Rhabdomyosarcoma (4.373) (5.321) (8.327)
Rheumatic fever pneumonia (.694)
Rheumatic heart disease
valvular and perivalvular stenosis and (.831)
valvular incompetence (.841)
Rheumatic myocardiopathy (.861)
Rheumatoid arthritis (.71)
heart disease associated with (.619)
widened arachnoid space and dilated axillary pouch with (.3662)
Rheumatoid disease (.611)
Rheumatoid disorder (.611)
Rheumatoid nodule (.6112)
Rhinolith calculus (.818)
Rhinorrhea, cerebrospinal (.423)
Rhomboid fossa (.139)
Rib (471.)
absent (.141)
Rib erosion (.872)
Rib notching (.871)
dietary (.571)
other causes (.572)
Vitamin-D dependent (.5723)
Vitamin-D resistant (.5723)
Rickettsia (.209)
Ridge syndrome (.773)
Riedel lobe, retrocecal appendix (.139)
Riley-Day syndrome (.2517)
Robert pseudo thalidomide syndrome (.1639)
Rocker-bottom foot (.1476)
physiologically retained primary (.864)
retained fragment (.865)
Root resorption, tooth (.8622)
Root sheath cyst (.1484)
Root sheath segmentation anomaly (.1485)
Rotary subluxation (.4211)
Rotator cuff tear (.4813)
Round back (.862)
Round pneumonia (.2193)
Round window (2125.)
Roundworm (.208)
intestinal (.2081)
tissue (.2082)
Routine plain film, normal (.11)
Rubella (.27)
Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome (.1622)
Rudimentary horn (.14789)
Rudimentary uterus (.14781)
Russell-Silver dwarfism (.1724)
Saber sheath trachea (.1492)
Sacral agenesis (.141)
Sacralization (.131)
Sacroiliac joint
coccyx (337.)
lumbosacral spine (337.)
Sacrotuberous ligament calcification, ossification (.811)
Sagittal cleft of vertebral body (.1451)
Saline implant (.4544)
Salivary duct, fistula (.245)
Salivary gland (264.)
Salivary gland calculus (.818)
Salivary gland imaging (.12176)
Salmonella (.2025)
Salpingitis (.2171)
Sandhoff disease (.1829)
Sanfilippo syndrome (MPS III) (.1813)
Sansert, complication of (.647)
Saphenous vein (933.)
bypass graft (.4521)
Sarcoid (.8232)
tuberculosis associated with (.2371)
Sarcoidosis (.22) (6.734)
Sarcoma (.322) (2.374) (8.329)
cerebellar (.3637)
embryonal cell (.31535)
gastrointestinal bleeding (.7153)
Kaposi (.346) (7.349) (9.8348)
meningeal (.366)
multiple (.384)
reticulum cell
lymphoma type (.343)
primary lymphoma of bone (.3282)
soft tissue (.8335)
solitary (.383)
Sarcoma botryoides (.327)
Scalp (117.)
avulsion (.492)
congenital defect (.1464)
laceration or swelling (.491)
benign (.31)
malignant, primary (.32)
secondary (metastatic) (.33)
Scaphoid bone (4331.)
Scapula (412.)
Scar carcinoma (.35)
Scheie syndrome (MPS I-S) (.1819)
Scheuermann disease (.4963)
Schistosoma (.2084)
Schistosomiasis (.789)
Schmid type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (.1536)
Schmorl node (.4961)
Schwannoma (1.3641) (6.3161)
Scimitar syndrome (5.1583) (6.142)
Scleroderma - see also Progressive systemic sclerosis (.613)
Sclerosing adenosis (.815)
Sclerosing cholangitis (.288)
Sclerosing hemangioma (.3181)
Sclerosis - see Progressive systemic sclerosis; Tuberous sclerosis
Sclerotic mastoiditis (.262)
Scoliosis (.861)
Scurvy (.561)
Seat belt fracture (.419)
Secretory disease (.713) see also Ductal calcification
Segmental colitis (.268)
Segmental cystic disease (.3127)
Segmental enteritis (.268)
Segmental resection (.455)
Selective angiocardiography (.1242)
Selective angiography
adrenal (.1245)
renal (.1243)
Selective venography (9.1245)
adrenal (.1246)
renal (.1244)
Self-amputation (.496)
Self-mutilation (.496)
Sella turcica (122.)
secondary abnormality of (.914)
small (.1367)
Semicircular canal (2131.)
Seminal vesicle (845.)
anomaly of (.1479)
calcification (.239)
Seminal vesiculography (A287)
Seminoma (6.31533) (8.329)
Senile osteoporosis (.562)
Sentinel loop ileus (.722)
Septal aneurysm, ventricular (.1425)
Septal anomaly (.14)
Septal defect, ventricular (.142)
prolapsed valve related to (.1753)
spontaneous closure (.1426)
Septal hypertrophy, asymmetric (.1732)
Septal vein (1761.)
Septate bladder (.1413)
Septate uterus (.14789)
Septated cyst (.3119)
Septostomy, balloon atrial (.1268)
Septum (261.)
atrial (514.)
ventricular (515.)
absent (.1449)
Septum pellucidum (1613.)
absent (.1354)
cavum (.1354)
Sequestration, bronchopulmonary (.15)
Sequestrum, mastoids (.263)
Serous adenoma (.3172)
Serous cystadenocarcinoma (.3232)
Serous cystadenoma (.3172)
Serratia (.2029)
fracture (.4199)
unusual (.131)
Sex chromosomal aberration (.185)
Sex determination of fetus (.911)
Sexual abuse (8.419)
Sexual maturation, delayed (.1472)
Sexual precocity (.1471)
Shaver's disease (.54)
Shigella (.2025)
Shock (8.652)
and gastrointestinal ischemia (.761)
"Shock lung" (.413)
Shock wave lithotripsy, extracorporeal, biliary (.1223)
Short gut syndrome (.451)
Short rib polydactyly (.1514)
Shoulder girdle (41.)
Shoulder injury (.481)
Shoulder joint (414.)
left ventricle to right atrium (.1424)
portal-systemic (.453)
systemic arteriovenous (.714)
Torkildsen (.4514)
ventriculoatrial (.4511)
ventriculoperitoneal (.4513)
ventriculopleural (.4512)
Sialadenitis (.2472)
Sialectasis (.2471)
Sialidosis (.1825)
Sialodochitis (.2473)
Sialography (.1222)
Sickle cell disease (.651) (9.65)
associated with osteomyelitis (.214)
Siderosis (.776)
Sigmoid colon (756.)
Sigmoid kidney (.1423)
Silhouette sign (.914)
Silica fumes, response to inhalation of (.54)
Silicone implant (.4543)
Silicone nodules, rim calcification (.8114)
Silicosis (.771)
Silo-filler's disease (.521)
Simple compression fracture (.411)
Sinodural plate, alteration (.268)
cleft - see Branchial cleft sinus coronary (547.)
absent (.1864)
anomaly (.186)
dural sinus venography (.123)
fistula - see Pyriform sinus fistula normal development in children (.92)
opaque (.251)
paranasal - see Paranasal sinus thyroglossal - see Thyroglossal sinus
Sinus of Valsalva, anomaly (.177)
Sinus tract
inflammation (.24)
inflammation (.244)
Sinus venosus (.1413)
Sinusitis (.25)
Sinusoids, myocardial (.1937)
Situs ambiguous (.1653)
Situs anomaly (A65)
Situs inversus (5.1652) (7.147)
Situs solitus (.1651)
d-loop and d-transposition (.161)
Sjogren syndrome (.695)
Skeletal angiomatosis (.3143)
Skeletal deformity, abnormal cardiac configuration, size related to (.874)
Skeletal disorder (.86)
neuropathic (.821)
neurotropic (.822)
Skeletal fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.873)
of breast (06.)
fold (.139)
squamous cell carcinoma (.8333)
Skin calcification (.8111)
Skin infection or inflammation (.834)
Skin thickening only (malignant neoplasm, secondary) (.331)
Skin thickening or deformity (0.83)
effect of biopsy (.4532)
asymmetrical (.1315)
base (12.)
contracting (.4379)
fetal measurement, abnormal (.862)
benign (.31)
malignant, primary (.32)
secondary (metastatic) (.33)
Sleep apnea (.827)
"Sliding" hernia (.1521)
Slipped femoral capital epiphysis (.4146)
Small bowel
disorders of (.76)
diverticulum (.272)
functional change due to diabetes (.769)
functional immaturity of in premature infant (inspissated curds) (.769)
typical manifestation (.723)
unusual manifestation (.723)
Small cell carcinoma, undifferentiated (.3213)
Small heart (.877)
Small intestine (7.127)
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (.1729)
Smoke inhalation (.7114)
Soft tissue
change (.436)
chest wall (474.)
disorder (.83)
dysostosis (.161)
emphysema (.493)
bone reaction secondary to (.218)
inflammation (.24)
periarticular and articular (.25)
benign (.36)
malignant (.37)
metastatic (.39)
swelling (4.833)
secondary to trauma (.491)
simulating sinusitis (.259)
Soft tissue mass (.389)
Soft tissue sarcoma (.8335)
Soft tissue technique (.1293)
Solitary bone cyst (.3181)
Solitary cyst of mandible (.3814)
South American blastomycosis (.2059)
Spasm, complication of catheterization or angiography (.445)
Special contrast medium
colon (.1283)
small intestine (.1273)
upper CI series, esophagram (.1232)
Special nonroutine projection (.125)
ultrasonography (.12989)
Specimen radiography (.128)
SPECT (.12162)
magnetic resonance (.12145)
magnetic resonance (9.12945)
Sphenoid bone
body (123.)
greater and lesser wing (124.)
Sphenoid sinus (234.)
Spherocytosis (.653)
Sphincter artificial (.459)
bladder-sphincter dyssynergia (.839)
Sphingolipidosis (.67)
Spina bifida cystica (.1452)
Spina bifida occulta (.133)
Spinal artery, anterior (371.)
Spinal canal
cervical (34.)
lumbosacral (33.)
narrow (.142)
narrowing of the anteroposterior diameter (.775)
thoracic (35.)
Spinal cord
anomaly (.148)
arteries and veins (37.)
cervical (341.)
thoracic (351.)
unusual length (.1483)
vein (377.)
Spinal dysostosis (.165)
Spinal fusion (.451)
failure of fusion deformity (.145)
Spinal ligament calcification, ossification (.811)
Spinal lordosis, loss of usual degree of (.491)
Spindle cell tumor (.313)
abnormal alignment (.86)
Spinous process
accessory (.134)
cervical spine (313.)
cleft (.134)
coccyx (333.)
lumbosacral spine (333.)
thoracic spine (323.)
Spiral fracture (.411)
Spiral scanning, computed tomography and (.12115)
Spirochete (.207) (4.215)
osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
Spleen (775.)
bibbed, accessory, prominent clefts (.134)
extrinsic mass
affecting gastrointestinal structure (.363)
affecting genitourinary structure arising in (.364)
hernia of (.159)
intra-abdominal calcification, calculus (.814)
liver-spleen imaging (.12171)
Spleen imaging, with labeled heatdamaged red blood cells (.12179)
Splenic arteriography (.1244)
Splenic artery (954.)
Splenic flexure (754.)
Splenic sequestration study (.12179)
Splenic vein (957.)
Splenomegaly (.372)
Splenoportography (7.1247)
Splenorenal shunt (.4571)
Spondylitis (.445)
ankylosing (.74) (5.848)
Spondylocostal dysostosis (.1651)
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (.1527)
Kozlowski (.1534)
present at birth (.1528)
tarda (.1532)
Spondylolisthesis (.42)
Spondylolysis (.42)
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia (.1534)
with hypertrophy of neural arches and dorsal indentations into vertebra canal (.774)
with narrow canal (.772)
with ridge (.773)
Spondylothoracic dysplasia (Jarco Levine) (.1651)
Spontaneous pneumothorax (.225) (.731)
Sporotrichosis (.2059)
Sprengel deformity (.1485)
Sprue (.7611)
developmental (.132)
fracture (.4199)
occipital (113.)
temporal (114.)
Squamous cell carcinoma (6.3211) (8.322) (9.8333)
Standing waves (.91)
Staphylococcus (.2012)
"Steal" syndrome (.767)
Stellate fracture (.415)
Stenosis (.1492) (7.143) (8.1452)
atherosclerotic (.721)
occlusion (.7214)
calcific aortic (.833)
complicating tracheostomy or endotracheal tube (.458)
of coronary sinus ostium (.1864)
infundibular, with tetralogy of Fallot (.1452)
infundibular and valvular, with tetralogy of Fallot (.1451)
peripheral pulmonary artery (.1552)
postinflammatory (.297)
with complete transposition of great arteries (.161)
with corrected transposition of great arteries (.163)
malposition of great arteries with (.1442)
normally related great arteries with (.1444)
with subaortic ventricular septal defect (.1621)
of pulmonary veins (.1562)
valvular and perivalvular (.83)
vascular (.431)
Stenosis, deformity
subvalvular (.173)
supravalvular (.174)
valvular (.172)
angioplasty with (.1286)
insertion (.1267)
Stereoangiography (.1249)
Stereoscopic films (.1254)
Stereotaxis (.1267)
Sternoclavicular joint (473.)
Sternum (472.)
Steroid induced ulcer (.259)
Steroid therapy (.542)
Stillborn infant (.8258)
Stoma, cutaneous (.454)
Stomach (72.)
diverticulum (.272)
metastatic disease (.8323)
Stone extraction (.1228)
Storage disorder (A933)
Straddling atrioventricular valves (.1445)
Straight back syndrome (3.867) (5.8742)
Streptococcus (.2013)
anaerobic (.2042)
Stress fracture (.415)
Stress incontinence (.835)
Stress incontinence cystogram (.1236)
Stress (march) fracture (.415)
Stress ulcer (.259)
esophageal (.744)
tuberculosis (.233)
ureteral (.843)
ureteropelvic (.842)
Strip craniectomy (.4551)
Stromal calcification (.818)
Strongyloides stercoralis (.2081)
Strudwick syndrome (.1527)
Sturge-Weber syndrome (.1833)
Styloid process, temporal bone (216.)
Subacute mastoiditis (.2602)
Subaortic stenosis, idiopathic hypertrophic (.1732)
Subarachnoid block (.4372)
Subarachnoid cyst (.1466) (.3619)
Subcapsular hematoma (.4131)
Subclavian arteriography (.1242)
Subclavian artery (562.) (942.)
aberrant (.1532)
isolation of (.1533)
aberrant (.1521)
isolation of (.1522)
Subclavian steal syndrome (.767)
Subclavian veins (9462.)
Subdural space
brain and meninges infratentorial (156.)
supratentorial U36.)
spinal canal
cervical (342.)
lumbosacral (362.)
thoracic (352.)
Subependymal veins (1763.)
Subgaleal hematoma (.493)
Subluxation (.42)
atlantoaxial, congenital (.1478)
rotary (.4211)
trauma to lens (.495)
Submandibular salivary gland (2642.)
Submerged tooth (.1454)
Subperiosteal fracture (.4192)
Subperiosteal resorption
primary hyperparathyroidism (.5111)
secondary hyperparathyroidism (.5321)
Subpleural fat deposition from steroid administration (.512)
Subpulmonary fluid (.762)
Subtraction, image enhancement (.127)
Subvalvular deformity (.173)
Subvalvular stenosis (.173)
Subxyphoid projection (.12989)
Sudeck atrophy (.565)
infratentorial (166.)
supratentorial (165.)
Sulfa crystals, renal tubular block from (.64)
Sulfa drug, complication of (.6412)
Sulfatase deficiency, multiple (.1829)
Sulfatidosis, Austin type (.1829)
Sulfur dioxide inhalation (.522)
Superficial veins (1766.)
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome (.729)
Superior sulcus neoplasm (.3222)
Superior vena cava syndrome (.751)
Supernumerary bone (.1442)
Supernumerary kidney (.1419)
Supernumerary tooth (.1456)
Supervoltage roentgenography (.1294)
Suppurative pneumonia (.215)
Supraclavicular nodes (997.)
filling from pedal lymphangiography (.812)
Supracondylar process (.132)
Supramarginal arteries (1746.)
Supramesocolic intraperitoneal recess (793.)
Suprapatellar bursa (4523.)
Suprapineal recess (1622.)
Suprasternal projection (.12989)
Supratentorial cistern (165.)
Supratentorial dural sinus (176.)
Supratentorial fissure (165.)
Supratentorial sulcus (165.)
Supratentorial vein (176.)
Supravalvular deformity (.174)
Supravalvular stenosing ring, of left atrium (.1743)
Supravalvular stenosis (.174)
Supravoltage roentgenography (.1294)
for acquired heart or vascular disease (.454)
complication of (.458)
coronary artery (.455)
lymphedema secondary to (.8524)
postoperative complication of (.458)
valvular, for congenital or acquired heart disease (.453)
Surgical prosthesis, infection secondary to (.214)
accessory (.1336)
infection secondary to (.214)
other persistent (.1339)
persistent metopic (.1331)
skull (115.)
variant (.133)
widening of (.911)
Swallowing disorder
with aspiration (.822)
without aspiration (.821)
Swallowing function study (.1233)
Swan Ganz catheter (.4611)
Swayback (.864)
Swyer-James syndrome (.7532)
Sylvian point (1743.)
Sylvian triangle (1743.)
Sympathectomy (.459)
Sympathetic ganglion neoplasm (.3162)
Symphalangism (.143)
gas in, during pregnancy (.137)
separation of (obstetrical) (.42)
Symphysis pubis (4414.)
Syndactyly (.143)
Synostosis (.143)
Synovial herniation (.783)
Synovioma (.374)
Synovitis (.252)
pigmented villonodular (.784)
Synovium (4522.)
Synthetic graft (.4522)
Syphilis (.8233)
acquired (.2077)
congenital (.2076)
Syphilitic aneurysm (.734)
Syringomyelia (3.368) (3.1489) (4.821)
Systemic arteriovenous shunt (.714)
Systemic connective tissue disorder (.61)
Systemic disease, associated with osteomyelitis (.214)
Systemic disorder
associated with osteomyelitis (4.214)
generalized (.6)
Systemic vessel implant (.4551)
T-shaped uterus (.14784)
Tachypnea (transient), of newborn (.785)
Taenia saginata (.2083)
Taenia solium (.2083)
Takayasu arteritis (.625)
Talcosis (.775)
Talipes equinovarus (.1475)
Talus (4641.)
Tamm-Horsfall proteinuria, stasis nephrogram with (.657)
Tapeworm (.2083)
Tarsal bone (464.)
Tarsal joint (463.)
Taurodontia (.1464)
Taussig - Bing anomaly (.1623)
Tay-Sachs disease (.673)
Teeth (25.)
abrasion (.867)
absent tooth (.141)
dentin bridge postoperative trauma (.455)
erosion (.867)
excision trauma (.454)
extraction site trauma (.453)
fracture of
alveolar process (.4154)
crown with exposed pulp (.4152)
crown without exposed pulp (.4151)
root (.4153)
hypereruption (.866)
impacted, unerupted, supernumerary (.145)
retained primary tooth (.863)
tooth resorption (.862)
Tegmen tympani, alteration in (.265)
ataxia (.2515)
hereditary hemorrhagic, with arteriovenous fistula (.1494)
Temporal arteries (1747.)
Temporal bone (21.)
Temporal gyri, inferior (1341.)
Temporal horn (1616.)
Temporal lobe (134.)
Temporal operculum (1343.)
Temporal pole (1344.)
Temporal ring (2129.)
Temporal squamosa (.114.) (.215.)
alteration (.266)
Temporary fillings, abnormality (4824.)
Temporomandibular joint (244.)
abnormality (.78)
Tendinitis (.253)
Tension pneumothorax (.733)
Tentorium (139.)
calcification of (.1348)
Teratoma (.366) (1.362) (5.319)
benign (.31531)
malignant (6.31532) (8.313)
Tertiary contractions, pylorospasm (.131)
Testicle, undescended (.1477)
Testicular imaging (.12176)
Testis, metastatic disease (.8316)
Tetanus fracture (.419)
Tethered cord
with congenital tumor (.1482)
isolated (.1481)
Tetralogy of Fallot (.145)
Thalamostriate vein (1763.)
Thalamus (143.)
Thalassemia (.652)
Thanatophoric dwarfism (.1513)
Thebesian valve (536.)
Theca-lutein cyst, hydatidiform mole with (.31912)
Theca luteum cyst (.3117)
Therapeutic procedure, nuclear medicine study (.12168)
Therapy localization (.1291)
Thermal injury (3.822)
calcification or ossification secondary to (.815)
neurotrophic skeletal disorder (.822)
Thermal laser (.1284)
Thermography (.123)
Thesaurosis (.53)
Thickened mucosa (.251)
Thigh (44.)
superficial veins (933.)
Thoracic deformity, pulmonary hypertension with (.787)
Thoracic duct, cisterna chyli (995.)
Thoracic fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.875)
Thoracic nodes, filling from pedal lymphangiography (.811)
Thoracic outlet syndrome (.781)
Thoracic spinal canal (35.)
Thoracic spine (32.)
Thoracic systemic vein, anomaly (.159)
Thoracic trauma, nonpenetrating (.412)
Thoracic venography (.1245)
Thoracoplasty (.451)
Thoracotomy (.454)
pleural reaction and pulmonary infiltrate following (.693)
arteries and veins (56.)
extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.366)
fetal measurement, abnormal (.863)
Thorotrast administration, sequelae of (.5)
Thromboanglitis obliterans (Buerger disease) (.725)
Thrombocytopenia absent radius (.653)
Thrombolytic infusion, biopsy (.1265)
Thrombosis (.751)
complication of catheterization or angiography (.442)
partial (.751)
renal vein (.751)
total (.752)
calcification (.813)
mural (.774)
ossification (.813)
Thymic aplasia (.2514)
Thymic cyst (.3154)
Thymolipoma (.3154)
Thymolymphopenia, metaphyseal chondrodysplasia with (.1536)
benign or malignant (.3154)
with systemic manifestations (.3155)
Thymus (675.)
normal or prominent (.134)
veins (949.)
Thyrocervical trunk and branches (902.)
Thyroglossal cyst (.1473)
Thyroglossal fistula (.1474)
Thyroglossal sinus (.1474)
Thyroid acropachy (.523)
Thyroid artery, superior (906.)
Thyroid carcinoma imaging (.12174)
Thyroid disorder (.52)
Thyroid gland (273.)
abberant (.1475)
thyroiditis (.292)
Thyroid imaging (.12172)
Thyroid uptake (.12171)
Thyroiditis (.292)
distal end (461.)
proximal end (.454)
shaft (456.)
Tibial artery
anterior (925.)
posterior (926.)
Tibial torsion (.1489)
Tibial tuberde (4541.)
Tissue roundworm (.2082)
Tomography-see Computed tomography; Conventional tomography
Tongue (262.)
Tonsil (262.)
aberrant (.1475)
cerebellum (1532.)
enlarged (.28)
Torkildsen shunt (.4514)
Torticollis (.866)
Torulopsis (.2054)
alveolar crest (.1353)
mandibularis (.1351)
palatinus (.1352)
Torus fracture (.412)
Toxicity (.5)
Toxocara (.2081)
Toxoplasma (.2074)
Toxoplasma group (.2074)
Toxoplasmosis (.8233)
Trabecular pouch, no outlet chamber
left ventricular type (.14419)
right ventricular type (.14429)
Trabeculation, bladder (.833)
Trace element deficiency (.569)
Trace studies, magnetic resonance (.12143)
Trachea (671.)
accessory bronchus from (.139)
asymptomatic anterior vascular indentation (.136)
cervical (275.)
congenital tracheal stenosis without tracheoesophageal fistula (.141)
fracture of (.4124)
obstruction of (.7522)
saber sheath (.1492)
unusual calcification of cartilage (.135)
Tracheal compression by carotid or innominate artery (.1549)
Tracheal diverticulosis (.1492)
Tracheal stenosis without tracheoesophageal fistula, congenital (.1414)
Tracheoesophageal fistula, without esophageal atresia (H-type) (.1423)
Tracheomalacia (2.1496) (6.1493)
Tracheomegaly (.1492)
Tracheopathic osteoplastica, without calcification (.814)
Tracheostomy (6.456)
postoperative complications (.458)
postoperative trauma (.457)
Traction (.459)
Traction diverticulum (midesophagus) (.271)
Transbronchial biopsy (.1261)
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (.12989)
Transduodenal cholangiography (.1227)
Transection (.412)
placental (.7133)
reaction (5.7131) (6.7116)
Transient extraperitoneal hernia of bladder (.136)
Transient osteoporosis (.569)
Transitional cell carcinoma (.321)
Transitional vertebra (.131)
Translumbar aortography (.1212)
Transluminal angioplasty (.454)
Transmural perforation, complication of catheterization or angiography (.446)
Transplacental infection, change secondary to (.27)
postoperative trauma (.455)
postoperative complication of (.455)
rejection (.4552)
satisfactory transplant (.4551)
Transplantation, cardiac (.459)
Transposition of great arteries complete (.161)
corrected (.163)
Transrectal probe (.12989)
Transthoracic angiography (.1249)
Transvaginal probe (.12989)
Transverse colon (754.)
Transverse lie presentation (.8224)
Transverse line (.1332)
Transverse process
accessory (.134)
cervical spine (313.)
coccyx (332.)
elongated (.132)
lumbosacral spine (333.)
thoracic spine (323.)
Trapezium (greater multangular) (4334.)
Trapezoid (lesser multangular) (4335.)
arachnoiditis secondary to (.2522)
complications of (.43)
effect of (.4)
external (noniatrogenic), with or without cardiac tamponade (.41)
laceration or soft tissue swelling secondary to (.491)
to larynx (.496)
to lens (.495)
leukemia (.841)
lymphatic system (.84)
lymphedema secondary to (.8522)
lymphoma (.841)
osteomyelitis secondary to (.216)
pulmonary and mediastinal alternations following (.41)
Traumatic aneurysm (.732)
Traumatic bone cyst (.43)
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia (.156)
Traumatic lung cyst (.4124)
Traumatic pneumonitis (.4126)
Traumatic pneumothorax (.732)
Traumatic ventricular septal defect (.41)
Treacher-Collins syndrome (A664)
Treponema pallidum
acquired (.2077)
congenital (.2076)
Triangular bone (4333.)
Trichinella spiralis (.2081)
Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome (Giedion)
Tricuspid valve (531.)
incompetence, with corrected transposition of great arteries (.1636)
Trigeminal artery (.1363)
Trigone, of bladder (832.)
Trigonocephaly (.1412)
Triquetrum (4333.)
Trisomy 13 (.1843) (5.1953)
Trisomy 18 (.1842) (5.1952)
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) (.184) (.1841)
Trisomy syndromes, congenital cortical cysts with (.3126)
Trochanteric bursa (449.)
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (.633)
Tropism (.139)
True vocal chord (2714.)
Truncus arteriosus (.164)
Trypanosoma (.2073)
Tubal ectopic pregnancy (.8232)
Tubal spasm (.2179)
Tuberculoma (8.236)
solitary or multiple (6.236)
Tuberculosis (.23)
associated with other disease (.237)
bronchial (.233)
lymphatic system (.8231)
miliary (.235)
primary (.231)
reactivation (reinfection) (.232)
Tuberculous cavitation (.2324)
Tuberculous lobar pneumonia (.2323)
Tuberculous pleuritis (.234)
Tuberculum sellae (123.)
Tuberous sclerosis (.1832) (6.1471)
Tubo-ovarian abscess (.2174)
Tubular carcinoma (.329)
Tubular hypoplasia (.1742)
Tubular necrosis (9.765)
postoperative complication of renal transplant (.4553)
Tularemia (6.2027) (9.8234)
adrenal, prenatal diagnosis (.8784)
Krukenberg (.339)
renal/ureteral, prenatal diagnosis (.8776)
uterine, with pregnancy (.8262)
Wilms (.326)
Tumoral calcinosis (.818)
Turbinate, nose (261.)
Turcot syndrome (.3114)
Turner syndrome (.1851) (5.1954) (8.1472) (8.18)
Twins (conjoint), prenatal diagnosis (.879)
Tympanic portion (212.)
Tyrosinosis (.5723)
Uhl anomaly (.1936)
Ulcer (.25)
peptic, benign (.713)
peptic, perforated (.712)
soft tissue (.243)
Ulcerative colitis (7.261) (9.7143)
distal end (432.)
proximal end (423.)
shaft (426.)
Ultrasonography (.1298)
Umbilical arteries (989.)
Umbilical catheter arteriography (.1224)
Umbilical veins (959.)
Umbilical venography (.1243) (.1246)
Uncus (1342.)
Undescended testicle (.1477)
Unerupted tooth (.1454)
Unilateral hyperlucent lung (.7532)
Univentricular heart (.144)
Upper GI series (.123)
Urachal anomaly (.1463)
Urachal extension of bladder (.1462)
Urachus (839.)
Uremia (.862)
Uremic lung (.7111)
Ureter (82.)
blind ending (.1453)
reimplantation of (.459)
Ureteral artery (964.)
Ureteral deviation due to psoas (.1396)
Ureteral fetal abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.877)
Ureteral mass (.844)
Ureteral obstruction extrinsic (.844)
hydroneplirosis (.762)
intrinsic (.843)
Ureteral septa (.1395)
Ureteral stricture (.843)
Ureteral tumor, prenatal diagnosis (.8776)
Ureteritis (.214)
Ureteritis cystica (.215)
ectopic (.1455)
simple (.1454)
Ureterocolic fistula (.2451)
Ureteroenteric fistula (.2452)
Ureteropelvic junction (821.)
Ureteropelvic obstruction or dilatation (.842)
Ureterostomy, cutaneous stoma (.454)
Ureterovesical junction (825.)
Ureterovesical obstruction or dilatation (.845)
abnormality, prenatal diagnosis (.8783)
female (851.)
male (84.)
Urethral obstruction (.847)
prenatal diagnosis (.878)
Urethral valve, posterior, prenatal diagnosis (.8781)
Uretliritis (.214)
for hermaphroditism (.1239)
retrograde, female (.1235)
retrograde, male (.1234)
Uretural meatus (843.)
Urinary bladder abnormality (.83)
Urinary obstruction, postoperative complication of renal transplant (.4554)
Urinary tract abnormality (.89)
dilatation (.84)
extrinsic mass affecting gastrointestinal structure (.361)
arising in (.361)
gas in, unusual collection of (.898)
gas in (.218)
manifestation of vascular or hematological disorder (.65)
obstruction (.84)
milk of calcium (.819)
residual (.834)
Urinoma (.415) (.3116)
Urogenital sinus, cloaca (.1476)
Urticaria pigmentosa (.69) (4.699)
Uterine synechiae (.219)
Uterine tumor, with pregnancy (.8262)
Uterus (854.)
anomaly, developmental abnormality (.1478)
pregnancy with congenital anomaly of uterus (.8261)
Uvula (262.)
Vacuum joint (.137)
Vagina (855.)
metastatic disease (.8314)
Vaginography (.1286)
Vagotomy (.456)
Valgus deformity (.1482)
Valsalva sinus anomaly (.17)
Valve annulus calcification (.817)
ossification (.817)
Valve dehiscence (.844)
Valve leaflet
absent (.1752)
bicuspid, valvular incompetence,
prolapse (.1752), p.45
calcification (.81)
cleft (.1739) (.1752)
myxomatous degeneration (.1754)
ossification (.81)
perforated (.1752)
traumatic perforation or rupture of (.844)
Valve obstruction (.1451)
posterior urethral, prenatal diagnosis (.8781)
Valve prolapse (.1739)
Valve tissue, deficient (.1752)
Valvular anomaly (.17)
Valvular atresia (.171)
Valvular deformity (.172)
Valvular dysfunction (.779)
Valvular incompetence (.84) (.175)
Valvular prolapse (.175)
Valvular stenosis (.172)
Valvuloplasty (.4533)
balloon (.1268)
closed (.4532)
open (.4531)
Van Buchem disease (.1555)
Vanishing bone disease (.3143)
Vapor, response to inhalation of (.54)
Variation in
contour (.135)
number of calyces (.135)
Varicella (.2064)
Varices, portal hypertension (.711)
Varices (.75)
Varicosities (.755)
with compression of adjacent structure (.755)
incompetent perforating vessel (.753)
Variocele (.756)
Varix of cord (.365)
Varus deformity (A481)
Vas deferens (846.)
anomaly of (.1479)
Vascular calcification (0.817)
intraperitoneal (.813)
ossification (.815)
retroperitoneal (.813)
Vascular disease (.822)
acquired, surgery for (.454)
Vascular disorder (.7)
urinary tract manifestation of (.65)
Vascular ectasia - angiodysplasia (.7162)
Vascular-enteric fistula (.719)
complication of aneurysm (.7193)
gastrointestinal bleeding (.719)
Vascular foramen (.139)
Vascular groove (4.139)
enlarged (.913)p
prominent (.1361)
Vascular impression (.137)
Vascular injury (.41)
Vascular insufficiency, periosteal reaction associated with (.29)
Vascular lake (.1361)
Vascular malformation (.716)
Vascular manifestation of diabetes (.724)
hypertension (.723)
Vascular occlusion complete (.4812)
partial (stenosis) (.4811)
Vascular ring, related anomaly (.154)
Vascular system (9.)
Vascular trauma (.48)
Vascular tumor (.314)
Vascular variant (.136)
Vasculitis (.62) (5.21)
of drug abuse (.626)
intracranial inflammation (.258)
manifestation of drug abuse (.626)
pulmonary (.6123)
Vasoconstrictors (.1271)
Vasodilators (.1272)
Vasography (.1288)
Vasospasm (.762)
Vater anomaly (.149)
Vegetation on heart valve, infection due to (.21)
infratentorial (177.)
supratentorial (176.)
Vein of Galen (1765.)
malformation, prenatal diagnosis (.8749)
Veins-see also specific type or location of
abdomen (959.)
arm, forearm and hand (916.)
diaphragm (95.)
foot (937.)
gastrointestinal system (95.)
genitourinary system (96.)
neck (907.)
pelvis (98.)
retroperitoneum (98.)
spine and spinal canal (37.)
thigh (933.)
thorax (56.)
thorax (94.)
Velocity measurements
magnetic resonance (.12144)
magnetic resonance (9.12944)
Vena cava
inferior (982.)
anomaly of (.159)
thoracic portion (569.) (949.)
left inferior (.142)
superior (566.) (946.)
anomaly of (.159)
Vena cavography (.1248)
Veno-occlusive disease, pulmonary hypertension with (.788)
Venography (1.123) (3.1243) (9.124)
intraosseous (.1249) (9.1244)
radionuclide (.12973)
thoracic (.1245)
Venous angiocardiography (.1241)
Venous disorder (.75)
postphlebitic change (.754)
Venous drainage, anomalous (.142)
Venous filter, insertion (.1267)
Venous malformation (.142)
Venous occlusion (.2583)
Venous sampling (.1269)
Venous stasis, calcification or ossification secondary to (.815)
Venous thrombosis, with or without infection (.437)
Venous umbrella (.456)
Ventral branch (962.)
Ventral closure, anomalous (.146)
Ventricle (16.)
common (.144)
fourth (164.)
lateral (161.)
left (524.)
double inlet (.1445)
double outlet (.169)
to right atrium shunt (.1424)
right (523.)
coronary artery fistula communicating with (.1842)
double inlet (.1449)
double outlet (.162)
single (.144)
third (162.)
Ventricle larynx (2715.)
Ventricular septal aneurysm (.1425)
Ventricular septal defect
with complete transposition of great arteries (.161)
with corrected transposition of great arteries (.163)
membranous (.1421)
muscular (.1423)
with normally related great arteries (.1712)
prolapsed valve related to (.1753)
subaortic or subpulmonic (.162)
supracristal (.1422)
with transposition of great arteries (.1714)
Ventricular septum (515.)
absent (.1449)
with normally related great arteries (.1711)
with transposition of great arteries (.1713)
Ventricular system, variation in (.134)
Ventricular tunnel, aortico left (.176)
Ventriculitis, infection classified by organism (.20205)
Ventriculography (.122)
Vermian vein, superior and inferior (1774.)
fused ("block") (.1431)
ivory (.843)
occipital (.1474)
vessel (379.)
Vertebral anomaly associated with lipoma, cutaneous hemangioma, nevus or dimple (.1455)
Vertebral arteriography (.1243)
Vertebral artery (1751.)
cervical portion (901.)
left, origin from aorta (.1322)
Vertebral body
cervical spine (311.)
cleft of (.1451)
coccyx (331.)
lumbosacral spine (331.)
thoracic spine (321.)
Vertical fissure line (.139)
Vertical talus (.1472)
Vesicocolic fistula (.2454)
Vesicoenteric fistula (.2455)
Vesicourethral junction (833.)
Vesicovaginal fistula (.2453)
Vessel, skull (17.)
Vessels - see also specific type or location
compression, encasement of unknown etiology (.783)
extrinsic compression of (.78)
variation in course (.134)
variation in number (.131)
variation in origin (.132)
variation in size (.133)
Vestibule (2132.)
larynx (2713.)
Vibrio cholerae (.2029)
Villous tumor (.3112)
Viral colitis (.269)
Viral enteritis (.269)
Virus (.206)
osteomyelitis associated with (.214)
Visceral heterotaxy (.1653)
Visceral larva migrans (.631)
abdominal (.134)
hollow, perforation of without free air (.713)
Vitamin A, hypervitaminosis (.5831)
Vitamin D
-dependent rickets (.5724)
hypervitaminosis (.5832)
resistant rickets (.5723)
Vitreous hemmorrhage (.492)
Vitreous tissue (2244.)
Vocal chord
false (2716.)
true (2714.)
Vocal chord palsy (.829)
Vulva, metastatic disease (.8314)
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (.349)
Web (.742) (.1429)
Wedge resection (.453)
Wegener granulomatosis (.622)
Weight bearing line, altered (.431)
Weill-Marchesani syndrome (.1722)
Werner syndrome (4.822) (7.7621)
Westermark sign (.7213)
Whipple disease (7.764) (9.8235)
Whistling-face syndrome (.1629)
White matter, degenerative disease of (.87)
Wilms tumor (.326)
Wilson disease (4.789) (4.5729)
lenticular degeneration in (.592)
Wilson-Mikity syndrome (.784)
Winchester syndrome (.1869)
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (.2513)
Wormian bone (.1337)
Wringer injury (.491)
Wrist (43.)
Wrist injury (.483)
Wrist joint (434.)
Wuchereria bancrofti (.2082)
Xanthogranuloma (.3181)
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (.2125)
Xanthoma (.3181)
Xanthomatous pseudotumor (.3181)
Xeroradiography (.122) (.1299)
Yersinia enterocolitica (.2027)
Yersinia multocida (.2027)
Yersinia (Pasteurella) (.2027)
Yersinia pestis (plague) (.2027)
Yersinia tularensis (tularemia) (.2027)
Zellweger (cerebrohepatorenal) syndrome (.1522)
Zenker diverticulum (.272)
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (.7621)
Zollinger-Ellison ulcer (.259)
Zygomatic bone (242.)
Zygomatic portion, temporal bone (216.)