Barbara Messenger, Tudor Hughes, Gale Hurley
Kelly Gillelen (Hughes), Tudor Hughes, Daniella Bachman
1992-1993 Tudor Hughes, M.D. (United Kingdom) tudor.hughes@bonepit.com
Dr. Hughes worked for 7 years in Christchurch, New Zealand and is now back on faculty at UCSD.
1992-1993 Dexter Witte, M.D. (United States) Dexwitte@aol.com
Dr. Witte joined a group in private practice in Memphis, Tennessee, following his one-year fellowship.
1992-1993 Cheryl Petersilge, M.D. (United States) cpetersilge@worldnet.att.net
After completion of her fellowship, Dr. Petersilge assumed a position in the Department of Radiology at Case
Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio. She remains in that institution.
1992-1993 Joseph Yu, M.D. (United States) jsyu@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Dr. Yu, after finishing a one-year fellowship in osteoradiology, joined our faculty at the University of California,
San Diego for approximately six months to one year. Subsequently, he joined the faculty in the Department of
Radiology at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. He remains at that facility.
1992-1993 David S. Levey, M.D.
(United States)
Dr. Levey, following completion of his
fellowship, entered private practice of radiology in Corpus Christi, Texas.
He is currently Medical Director and Chief of Musculoskeletal Imaging for
American Health Imaging, and Premier Pain Consultants, San Antonio, Texas.
1992 Stefan Marcelis, M.D. (Belgium)
1992-1993 Daniella Bachman, M.D. (Switzerland)
1992-1993 Fernando Cyrillo Seragini
1992 Josef Kramer, M.D. (Austria)
1992-1993 John Taylor, D.C. (United States) jtaylor1954@verizon.net
1992-1993 Ramin Abrahim-Zadeh (United States)