UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology bonepit.com Contrast extravasation policy |
Contrast Extravasation Guidelines
Policy Statement
All proper steps will be taken to
avoid contrast extravasation
Responsible Party
Physician Staff, Nursing Staff,
Imaging Technical Personnel Staff
General Information:
of intravenous contrast agents in the soft tissues may rarely result in severe
local damage including chemical inflammation, tissue necrosis and sloughing of
the overlying skin. The severity of these agents is related to the volume and
hyperosmolarity of the contrast extravasated. Both ionic and nonionic contrast
agents are hyperosmolar with the exception of Visipaque, which is isoosmolar and
may produce local adverse effects if extravasated. Ionic contrast compounds
elicit more severe lesions because they have higher osmolality than non-ionic
contrast agents. Contrast extravasation injury may be aggravated by infection
which may contribute to substantial tissue loss.
l. Prevention:
The best contrast policy
directive regarding extravasation is prevention[DK1] .
When the power injector is utilized, a 20
gauge needle/cannula 1.25 to 1.5 inches in length is preferred for IV contrast
injection. It is advisable to obtain a good backflow of blood to test adequate
positioning of the needle or catheter in the vein, and then advance the cannula
into the vessel. Adequate position of the cannula in the vein is checked again
with saline injection before the injector is armed to deliver contrast.
ll. Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Volume
extravasation of contrast is identified by swelling around the site of the
injection and/or the patient experiencing pain, immediately stop the injection.
The volume of contrast extravasated is calculated by subtracting the
remaining contrast volume in the syringe or the injector from the initial volume
of contrast.
lll. Conditions which increase the risk to develop infection if extravasation
occurs include but are not limited to:
Limb ischemia
Steroid treatment
Scleroderma or other connective tissue disease
lV. Communication
A. Authorized
1. The responsible authorized prescriber at the time of the occurrence should be
immediately. The
authorized prescriber is to examine the patient and decide on the
proper treatment, order
medications and follow-up.
B. Medications
(other than contrast agents) will be administered by licensed healthcare
providers (nurses, prescribers) within their scope of practice, following the
five rights of medication administration (MCP
The Patient
1. The patient is reassured and informed
of the occurrence. The potential complications
are discussed
including, the need for immediate treatment and follow-up in the case of
large volumes.
V. Immediate Treatment
Observation and elevation of the arm
Place a cold pack intermittently on the affected site as directed by the
authorized prescriber.
Extravasation > 21 ml (moderate extravasation):
a) Aspirate through existing
catheter prior to removal
b) Place a cold pack intermittently
on the affected site as directed by the
c) Elevation of affected arm
d) Immediate surgical consult to be obtained if the patient exhibits any
of the following signs or symptoms:
1. Blistering
2. Altered tissue
3. Severe pain in the
area of extravasation within 48 hours of the event
4. Change in
sensation distal to the extravasation site
Vl. Follow-up Care
A. The
responsible authorized prescriber scheduled on service is to evaluate the
patient to determine proper follow-up care.
B. Mild or
Moderate contrast extravasation:
1. The responsible staff is to document the extent of the extravasation
2. The Radiologist is to fully discuss the case with the care provider if the
patient is an inpatient.
3. The patient is to be followed up by phone prn by Radiology nursing.
4. lf local reaction severely worsens, the patient is referred to Plastic
Surgery for an immediate consult.
Vll. Documentation
Type and volume of contrast extravasated
Specific management
system and/or radiology report.