UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology bonepit.com Procedures |
"Dictated" stamp
Too many plain films and other non-PACS studies do not get dictated and are never reviewed by faculty. I have discovered many unread films filed in their master jackets in the file room without dictations. This happens because there is no clear indication on the film jackets whether or not the films have been read. This week Celia Arater will attach a "Dictation" stamp with bright red ink at each non-PACS dictation station. These stamps are to be used by faculty, fellows and residents. Starting immediately, after each case is dictated, stamp "Dictated" on the film jacket. Starting June 1, any films performed after June 1 that do not have a dictation stamp will be put in your sections unread bin for dictation. If your station does not have a stamp or the dictation stamp gets lost or stolen, Celia has extras in the file room.
Hopefully, this will reduce the number of unread films.
John Hesselink
John R. Hesselink, MD, FACR
Professor of Radiology & Neurosciences
Department of Radiology
UCSD Medical Center
200 West Arbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92103-8756
Phone: 619-543-2949
Fax: 619-543-3736
E-mail: jhesselink@ucsd.edu