UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology bonepit.com 30 year Reunion |
To All Alumni of the UCSD Clinical Bone Fellowship (1974-2006)
Our clinical bone fellowship in the Department of Radiology at UCSD has recently turned 30 years of age. Although much has changed during this time, the sense that all graduating fellows remain a permanent part of our bone “family” remains intact no matter how such fellows have misbehaved through these years. With this in mind, the bone faculty at UCSD, of which I am the senior member, is organizing the first ALUMNI WEEKEND, to be held in San Diego during President’s weekend, Saturday through Monday, February 17-19, 2007. This event is long overdue. Through the years, many of you have kept in contact with us in a regular or irregular fashion, and a few, well, we have lost track of where you are. Many have also visited our web site, BONEPIT.COM, maintained by Tudor Hughes, which lists important events and displays pictures and correspondence from previous fellows. ( For previous fellows only, the user name is bonepit; the password is boners. This will get you all over the website.) If you want to post something on BONEPIT.COM, please contact Tudor (thughes@ucsd.edu)
The plans for the ALUMNI WEEKEND have not yet been finalized but they will clearly include good food, ample fluid, lively conversation, and (perhaps) a bit of science. The highlight will be a dinner to be held somewhere on Saturday evening, February 17th. Some belated (generally meaningless) awards will be announced as well at this function. Other possible activities include golf, tennis and swimming,
The timing of this weekend is absolutely ideal this year as the dates fall between the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery (which takes place in San Diego the week before) and the Internal Derangements of Joints course (which is also in San Diego, beginning on Tuesday, Feb 20th at the Hotel Del Coronado). We are very hopeful, almost confident, that many of you will return for this event (in fact, many of you have never left San Diego or have traveled but a few miles up the freeway!). It will be a good time for all of us to share memories and experiences and for you to return any teaching file cases that you may have taken with you or even sign some outstanding x-ray reports! For any who would like to go to the IDJ course after the reunion, a very low entrance fee for all ex-fellows has been negotiated with the Ryals.
In order for us to proceed with the plans, I need to get a handle on how many of you would expect to come to the Reunion. Can you send both me (dresnick@ucsd.edu) and my assistant Andre (andre.lane@med.va.gov) an email letting me know if you will be able to attend (or even if you cannot attend) and how many family members or significant others will be joining you. Also, if there are some specific activities that you would like organized or can organize, let us know. As soon as I have collected this information, I can send more detailed plans for the weekend. Also, please contact others in your year; if they have not heard from us, it is because we no longer have their contact information.
The current bone faculty at UCSD (Mini Pathria, Christine Chung, Tudor Hughes, Amil Gentili, Nataliya Plyuscheva, Dina Ragheb, and me) look forward to seeing you again or, in some cases, meeting you for the first time. Remember, once a bone fellow at UCSD, you are a family member for life, whether you want to be or not!