UCSD Musculoskeletal Radiology bonepit.com Teleradiology |
The musculoskeletal section of the Department of Radiology at the University of California in San Diego, under the leadership and direction of Dr. Donald Resnick, offers a teleradiology service for primary interpretations and overreading. Cases are sent electronically to a teleradiology room, where they are interpreted promptly by one or more of the fellowship-trained bone radiologists. Final reports can be transmitted by either fax or email, or the transcription service at the primary site can be involved. The teleradiology service is accomplished under an agreement between the primary site and the University of California, and the prices of the interpretation are very reasonable and competitive. Dr. Resnick and the other bone radiologists currently have medical licenses in many states and also are involved in providing teleradiology interpretations for international sites. If you are interested in learning more about this service, you can email Dr. Resnick directly at dresnick@ucsd.edu.